The economy of the United States, as well as that of most developed nations, operates according to the principles of the free market. This differs from the economies of socialist or Communist countries, where governments play a strong role in deciding what goods and services will be produced, how they will be distributed, and how much they will cost. Businesses in free-market economies benefit from certain fundamental rights or freedoms. All people in free-market societies have the right to own, use, buy, sell, or give away property, thus permitting them to own and operate their own businesses as private, profit-seeking enterprises. Business owners in free markets may choose to run their businesses however they like. This right gives businesses the authority to hire and fire employees, invest money, purchase machinery and equipment, A. the economy of the United States is the economies of socialist B. the economy of Japan is out of control C. the economy of Britain is totally free D. the economy of France is under some control [单项选择]紫癜原因为血小板功能异常的疾病为()
A. 脾功能亢进 B. 血小板无力症 C. 原发性血小板增多症 D. 特发性血小板减少性紫癜 E. 马方综合征 [判断题]《修规》第2.2.2条,临时补修指以小型养路机械为主要作业手段,对轨道几何不平顺超过临时补修容许偏差管理值及其他不良处所进行的临时性整修,以保证行车安全和平稳。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在胚胎的面部生长发育中,以下描述错误的是()
A. 面部是由额突和第一鳃弓共同生长发育而成的 B. 面部是由两个下颌突、两个上颌突、两个侧鼻突和一个中鼻突共同生长发育而形成的 C. 上颌突与下颌突融合后,一部分形成颊部,剩余部分形成口腔 D. 上切牙部分的硬腭由口窝发育而来 E. 上唇人中由中鼻突生长发育而形成 [判断题]手动启动皮带机时无需打铃可直接启动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]三国时期,吴主孙权曾派卫温、诸葛直率船队到达台湾。他们回到大陆后,当时人写成()一书,这是目前世界上对台湾最早的详细记载。
A. 《临海水土志》 B. 《海国图志》 C. 《岛夷志略》 D. 《南海寄归内法传》 [单选题]戴无菌手套的操作方法,错误的是
A.手套外面为无菌区,应保持无菌; B.戴好手套的手不可接触手套的内面; C.末戴手套的手可触及手套的外面; D.发现手套破损应立即更换; E.不可强拉手套边缘,以免破损; [简答题]如果本案一审判决作出后,江南音像出版公司一家提出上诉,理由是事先有合同的约定,版权问题由北方文化艺术中心负责解决,故构成侵权,应由北京文化艺术中心进行赔偿和道歉。在这种情况下,二审当事人如何列明
A.三分之一 B.三分之二 C.四分之一 D.二分之一 我来回答: 提交