For most Americans, the word "poverty"
suggests destitution: an inability to provide a family with nutritious food,
clothing, and reasonable shelter. But only a small number of the 35 million
persons classified as "poor" by the Census Bureau fit that
description. While the poor are generally well-nourished, some poor families do experience hunger, meaning a temporary discomfort due to food shortages. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 13 percent of poor families A. can not afford a lot of food B. has no rich material wealth C. has no work D. has no money [单选题]国产电力机车每( )进行一次辅修。
A.8~10万km B.6~8万km C.3~4万km D.1~3万km [判断题]牵连犯的表现之一为方法行为和结果行为的牵连关系。
[判断题]BB028 会议如需要果盘,点心等,要在前一天与供应部门联系送到。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于城市维护建设税的表述错误的是()。
A. 外商投资企业和外国企业不需要缴纳城市维护建设税 B. 由受托方代扣代缴、代收代缴"三税"的单位和个人,其代扣代缴,代收代缴的城建税按受托方所在地适用税率执行 C. 流动经营等无固定纳税地点的单位和个人,在经营地缴纳"三税"的,其城建税的缴纳按经营地适用税率执行 D. 城建税与"三税"同时征收,如果要免征或者减征"三税",也要同时免征或者减征城建税 [单项选择]下列关于脊柱结核正确的是()
A. 发病率仅次于膝关节结核 B. 椎弓结核多见,常发展成截瘫 C. 颈椎和腰骶段多见 D. 多为单发 E. 30岁以上的成人多见 [单项选择]男,67岁,近5年来反复右眼一过性黑濛,失明约数分钟至数小时好转,于3天前晨起左上、下肢不能动,10分钟后恢复,无高血压及房颤历史此病最可能发展为()。
A. 脑梗死 B. 心血管病 C. 肺感染 D. 脑出血 E. 脑血管性痴呆 [判断题]在IFterFet上数据文件分成多包传输,先发出的数据包一定会先到达。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]If your child only picks at his food, he can be trained to be a good eater.
That will happen only when you’ve changed some of your own habits. Your child only accidentally discovered that being a bad eater meant getting lots of rewards from you. But you, as a parent, can easily undo your child’s bad eating habits. I recall the case of little Sally Sanders, aged three-and-a-half, who was angrily described by her mother as being, "the worst eater I’ve ever seen in my life! I can’t get her to eat anything. I’m afraid she’s going to grow up sick and weak, that’s how little she eats." "What do you do when she won’t eat her food " I asked. Her voice showing a very high state of pique, Mrs. Sanders continued resentfully, "Every time we have a meal, I wind up having a big fight with Sally. I scream and shout a lot at her. She makes me so mad when she won’t eat her food. I warn her she needs a good, well-balanced meal to grow up healthy. She’s just a stubborn child w A. to give her child nutritious food only. B. to force her child to eat everything. C. not to become an amateur nutritionist. D. to stop starving her child to change her bad eating habits. [单选题]根据《建筑基坑工程监测技术标准》GB50497规定,基坑周边建筑裂缝宽度量测精度不宜低于( )。
A.0.1mm B.0.2mm C.0.3mm D.0.4mm [单项选择]电动葫芦卷筒上钢丝绳安全圈不应少于()。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [填空题]东北虎、华南虎、非洲虎属于同一物种的不同______动物。
A. 保证 B. 抵押 C. 质押 D. 反担保 [单选题]下列关于债券偿还期限的说法正确的是( )。
A.短期债券,一般而言,其偿还期在1年以上 B.中期债券的偿还期一般为10年以上 C.长期债券的偿还期一般为1~5年 D.按偿还期限分类,债券可分为短期债券、中期债券和长期债券 [单选题]关于行政执法监督的内容,下列说法中哪一项是错误的?
A. 监督宪法、法律、法规和规章的贯彻执行情况 B.监督行政机关制定的规范性文件的合法性 C.监督行政机关制定的规范性文件的合理性 D.监督行政执法主体的合法性 我来回答: 提交