In the United States, older people
rarely live with their adult children. But in many other cultures children are
expected to care{{U}} (31) {{/U}}their aged parents. In some parts of
Italy, the percentage of adult children who{{U}} (32) {{/U}}with their
parents{{U}} (33) {{/U}}65 to 70 percent. In Thailand, too, children are
expected to care for their elderly parents; few Thai elderly live{{U}} (34)
{{/U}}. What explains these{{U}} (35) {{/U}}in living arrangements across cultures Modernization theory{{U}} (36) {{/U}}the extended family household to low levels of economic development. In traditional societies, the elderly live with their children in large extended family units for economic reasons. But with modernization, children move to urban areas,{{U}} (37) {{/U}}old people behind in isolated{{U}} (38) {{/U}}areas. Ye A. off B. out C. about D. forth [单项选择]
Electronic Teaching The potential of closed-circuit television and other new electronic teaching tools is so great that it is fascinating to visualize "the school of tomorrow" Televised lessons will originate from a central building having perhaps four or five master studios. The lessons will be carried into classrooms all over a city, or even an entire country. After a televised lesson has been given, the classroom teacher will take over for the all-important "follow-up" period. The students will ask any troublesome questions, and difficult points will be cleared up through discussion. The teacher in the classroom will have additional electronic tools. On the teacher’s desk, the traditional chalk and erasers will have been replaced by a multiple-control panel and magnetic tape player. The tape machines will run pre-recorded lessons which pupils will follow by headphones. The lessons will be specifically geared to A. Homework will be handed in via electronic mail system. B. Homework will be not be assigned. C. Students never take examinations. D. Students get the score after a long time. [多选题]以下符合心房颤动临床表现的有
A.心音强弱不一 B.心律绝对不齐 C.容易听到第四心音 D.心率 脉率 [多选题]纳税人在购买房屋时,下列与房屋相关的附属设施属于契税征收范围的是( )。
A.自行车库 B.储藏室 C.停车位 D.顶层阁楼 E.制冷设备 [单项选择]早期乳腺癌保乳手术的适应症不包括()。
A. 乳腺单发病灶,最大径3cm B. 乳腺病灶大于5cm C. 乳腺与肿瘤相比要有足够大小,行肿瘤切除术后乳腺外形无明显畸形 D. 无胶原性疾病 E. 病人要求接受保乳术治疗 [多项选择]皮脂腺迷路在口腔常见的部位是( )
A. 唇红部 B. 颊部 C. 舌部 D. 腭部 E. 口底 [判断题]司机接到准许登顶作业的调度命令,电力机车司机(动车组时由随车机械师)验电接地后,方可登顶作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]孙中山在《民报》发刊词中将同盟会纲领概括为()。
A.“民族、民权、民生” B.“民有、民治、民享” C.“自由、平等、博爱” D.“联俄、联共、扶助农工” [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,在电力电缆的沟槽开挖、电缆( )和试验等工作中,作业环境应满足安全要求。
A.安装 B.运行 C.检修 D.维护 [多项选择]某县污水处理厂的水污染防治设施未经验收,主体工程即投入生产或者使用的,对此应怎样处理。()
A. 由县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门责令拆除或关闭。 B. 由县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门责令停止生产或者使用。 C. 处十万元的罚款。 D. 处五万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。 [单选题]任何单位和个人发现传染病病人或者疑似传染病病人时,应当及时报告的部门是
A..卫生行政部门 B..附近的疾病预防控制机构或者医疗机构 C..传染病医院 D..基层人民政府 [多项选择]骨巨细胞瘤的典型CT征象( )
A. 大多数肿瘤的骨壳并不完整连续,但无包壳外的软组织肿块 B. 骨壳内面凹凸不平,肿瘤内并无真正的骨性间隔 C. 肿瘤内密度不均,有时可见液平 D. 肿瘤与松质骨交界多清楚,但无骨质增生硬化 E. 显示肿瘤周围的软组织情况及于周围神经,血管的关系 [单选题]120型控制阀滑阀座磨耗后,与顶面圆弧最高点处距离超过( )时更换。
A.46.8mm B.45.8mm C.45.6mm D.44.8mm [多项选择]莎士比亚四大喜剧分别是()
A. 《仲夏夜之梦》 B. 《第十二夜》 C. 《皆大欢喜》 D. 《威尼斯商人》 E. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 [单项选择]在企业财产保险中经特别约定可以承保的财产有()等。
A. 珠宝、玉器、古玩 B. 运输过程中的物资 C. 森林、矿藏、土地 D. 票证、文件、技术资料 [判断题]Windows XP的“自动更新”不可以关闭。
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