The ability to change with the time is
the key to being successful in the fast paced world of the 21st century. Life,
after all, is about change. But why, for so many of us, is change so difficult
to deal with Many years ago, Dr. Johnson faced a major change in his life. He at first responded to it by becoming angry and confused. But finally he realized that, instead of having to deal with the change, he himself had to change. Johnson made up the story of "Who Moved My Cheese " to get himself to laugh at his foolish mistakes and fears. "Who Moved My Cheese " deals with four laboratory mice who live in a maze (迷 宫). They look for the thing that makes them happy -- cheese. In the book, cheese is a metaphor for the things we want in life; the maze is where we look for those thin A. To keep pace with the life. B. To keep changing with the time. C. To keep steady in the world. D. To keep laughing at his mistakes. [单选题]制造业的传统质量控制程序是在生产过程的最后阶段对产品进行成批检测。这种方法的最大缺点是()。
A.在生产过程最后阶段检验的费用大 B.对发现的有缺陷的产品难以返工 C.没有达到100%的生产效率 D.没有致力于改进整个生产过程 [判断题]牵引车每使用半年,必须由合同维修单位进行一次全面的强制检测(保养)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]随后病人行闭式胸腔引流术,护士发现有进行性出血,护士要进行以下工作,但除外
A. 为剖胸止血术准备 B. 持续中心静脉压监测 C. 补充血容量 D. 进行胸腔闭式引流的卫生宣教 E. 吸氧 [单选题]检测某桥梁的伸缩缝时,发现其梳齿板出现断裂,则钢材料破损的损坏评价等级为( ),扣分值为 40 分。
A.无 B.严重 C.轻微 D.明显 [单选题]患者男性,38岁。因腿部被锈钉刺伤后数日,出现咀嚼不便.张口困难,随后牙关紧闭及全身肌肉强直性收缩,阵发性痉挛,诊断为破伤风。治疗此患者应首选使用的抗生素是
A.青霉素 B.甲硝唑 C.红霉素 D.四环素 E.磺胺类药 [多选题]在每年迎峰度夏和迎峰度冬前应至少组织开展一次由()参加的联合抢修演习。
A.运维单位 B.故障抢修单位 C.技术支持单位 D.设备厂家 我来回答: 提交