Why does the Foundation concentrate its
support on basic rather than applied research. Basic research is the very heart
9f science, and its cumulative(积累的) product is the capital of scientific
progress, a capital that must be constantly increased as the demands upon it
rise. The goal of basic research is understanding for its own sake.
Understanding of the structure of the atom or the nerve cell, the causes of
earthquakes and droughts, or of man as a behaving creature and of the social
forces that .are created whenever two or more human beings come into contact
with one another — the scope is staggering, but the commitment to truth is the
same. If the commitment were to a particular result, conflicting evidence might
be overlooked or, with the best will in the world, simply not appreciated.
Moreover, the practical applications of A. Foundation Funds B. The Attractiveness of Applied Research C. The Importance of Basic Research D. Basic Research vs. Applied Research [判断题]无线调车灯显设备应与列车运行监控装置配合使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消防员骨干重点进行装备操作使用、()、专业技能训练。
A.信息化知识学习 B.政治思想教育 C.组训任教 D.科技运用 [填空题]患病率的大小取决于两个因素,即()和()。
A.交通事故纠纷保全业务 B.离婚财产分割保全业务 C.股权买卖纠纷保全业务 D.建筑施工合同纠纷保全业务 [单选题]城市消防站建设标准(建标152-2011)中要求一级消防站中消防员灭火防护服配备比为2套/人备份比为()。 ( )
A.1:1、 B.2:1、 C.3:1、 D.4:1、 [单选题]F形扳手的主要作用是( )。
A.开关阀门 B.拆卸螺栓 C.拆装管线 D.拆卸卡箍 [单项选择]以下说法正确的是( )。
A. 对于判处无期徒刑的犯罪分子,可以剥夺政治权利终身 B. 被宣告缓刑的犯罪分子,如果被判处附加刑,附加刑可以不执行 C. 有期徒刑的刑期从宣判之日起计算 D. 如果被教唆的人没有犯被教唆的罪,对于教唆犯,可以从轻或减轻处罚 [简答题]计算机是按照人们预先,依靠软件和硬件的协同工作来执行给定任务的
A.说明书 B.力矩 C.规程 D.相关技术文件 [单选题]无特殊体位禁忌时,喂养时应抬高床头的角度和喂养结束后宜保持半卧位的时间分别是
A.20°~25°;15~30 min B.30°~45°;30~60 min。 C.45°~60°;15~30min D.45°~60°;30~60 min 我来回答: 提交