Yesterday, when Lil’ Kim was sentenced
to a year and a day in prison for lying to a grand jury, it seemed like more
proof that rappers just can’t stay out of jail. The conventional wisdom is that
for hip-hop stars, there’s a connection between crime and credibility. Every
time some rapper poses for a mug shot, there is a chorus of commentators ready
to declare that it’s all a publicity stunt. The sentencing of Lil’ Kim comes after two months when two rappers faced more serious charges. On June 17 the Philadelphia rapper Cassidy turned himself in to the police, who were looking for him as a suspect in a shooting that killed one man and wounded two others. Less than two weeks later, Cassidy’s second album, "I’m a Hustla", arrived in stores; it makes its debut at No. 5 on this week’s Billboard album chart A. released his first album alter his arrest. B. was arrested and hence the sale of his album sharply declined. C. delivered himself to the police. D. was caught by the police. [单选题]下列属于效力待定民事行为的是()。
A.甲某基于重大误解而与乙某订立的买卖合同 B.12岁小学生与某电脑城签订的购买一台价值9000元电脑的合同 C.张某以欺诈手段与王某订立的买卖合同 D.9岁小学生与某公司签订的接受5000元赠与合同 [单选题]《行规》第57条:在超过( )‰坡度的线路上调车(驼峰作业除外)时,必须全部接通软管并进行自动制动机简略试验。
A.6 B.2.5 C.12 D.20 [判断题]发电机组在安装前须向供电单位提报防止反送电的联锁装置方案,批准后方可投入运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]真实性是指投资者开立证券账户时所提供的资料必须真实有效,不得有虚假隐匿。()
[单项选择]对于核电厂来说,岩土工程勘察阶段可划分为( )。
A. 初步勘察,详细勘察,施工勘察 B. 可行性研究勘察,初步勘察,详细勘察,施工勘察 C. 规划设计勘察,可行性研究勘察,初步勘察,详细勘察 D. 初步可行性研究,可行性研究,初步设计,施工图设计,工程建造等五个勘察阶段 [多项选择]关于仲裁协议的要求,下列表述中正确的有( )。
A. 仲裁协议包括在书面合同中约定的仲裁条款或事后达成的书面协议 B. 仲裁协议是当事人申请仲裁的必备条件 C. 仲裁协议中应共同选定仲裁机构 D. 当事人没有书面仲裁协议的,该争议可由法院受理 我来回答: 提交