With euro hills and coins now
circulating across much of Europe, the European Monetary Union is fully in
place. The post-World War Ⅱ European leaders’ dream of an economically and
politically unified continent is one large step closer to realization, and
membership in the monetary union could easily grow to 20 or more countries from
the current 12 as the larger European Union expands to the east. A fully
operational European Monetary Union does not come, however, with a guarantee of
success. There is one enormous problem: This union creates a single
monetary policy for a group of quite different national economies that often
experience divergent business-cycle patterns. As long as business-cycle conditions differ significantly among European Monetary Union countries, there is no way for the central bank’s policies to avo A. universal policy and different economies B. monetary consensus and different opinions among member nations C. member nations’ serious budget deficits with the Union’s restriction D. original member nations and new member nations [单项选择]申请人在原始提交的说明书和权利要求书中仅记载了如下技术内容:一种汽车,该汽车的轮胎由弹性材料如橡胶制成,该轮胎的直径为50cm~60cm、优选为55cm。下列哪种修改超出了原说明书和权利要求书记载的范围?()
A. 在说明书和权利要求书中增加“该汽车具有轮胎”这一技术特征 B. 将权利要求书中轮胎直径的数值范围修改成50cm~55cm C. 将权利要求书中的“弹性材料”修改成“橡胶” D. 在说明书中增加了对“尾气净化装置”的描述 [单选题]电源面板的BAT DISCHARGE 灯亮是代表
A.表示电瓶正在放电 B.表示电瓶充电机故障 C.表示电瓶故障 D.A或B即可 [单项选择]下述哪一项不应列为心理应激对健康的消极影响()
A. 使原有的疾病复发 B. 适应性调整,恢复内稳态 C. 使已有的疾病加重 D. 损害适应能力,引发心身症状 E. 与其他因素共同影响引发新的疾病 [判断题]326.单位定期存单只能以质押贷款为目的开立和使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]养老保险设计应该遵循的基本原则是()
A. 广覆盖原则 B. 经济援助与服务相结合原则 C. 适应经济发展原则 D. 权利义务相结合原则 E. 强制与自愿相结合原则 [单选题]疏松结缔组织中具有丰富粗面内质网和发达高尔基复合体的细胞是 ( )
A. 巨噬细胞 B. 肥大细胞 C. 中性粒细胞 D. 脂肪细胞 E. 成纤维细胞 [判断题]1、职业道德是人们在从事职业的过程中形成的一种内在的、非强制性的约束机制。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]客户董某在信用社借了一笔经营贷款,金额为200万元,期限12个月,按月结息,到期还款,客户经理做贷后检查需至少每____检查一次。
A.月 B.季 C.半年 D.年 [单项选择]1969年,美国国防部高级研究计划署建成世界上第一个实际运营的封包交换网络(),标志计算机网络的产生。
A. SFNET B. 阿帕网 C. nternet D. 万维网 [单项选择]五迟五软痰瘀阻滞证的治法是()
A. 涤痰开窍,活血通络 B. 补益肝肾,养血活血 C. 健脾化痰,活血化瘀 D. 补肾填髓,养肝强筋 E. 益气行血,通经活络 我来回答: 提交