Bum rate is the speed at which a
startup business consumes money. My rate would be $ 50,000 a month when my
new media company started. So, I began looking around for individuals who would
be my first investors. It was called "angel money" But when I reviewed my
list of acquaintances to find those who might be able to help, I found the
number got small. With no other choices, I began meeting with the venture-capital companies. But I was warned they took a huge share of your company for the money they put in. And if you struggled, they could drop you cold. As I was searching for "angel money", I started to build a team who trusted me even though I didn’t have money for paychecks yet. Bill Becker was all expert in computer programming and image processing at a very famous Media Lab at M. I.T. With his arrival, A. the salary it pays to its staff B. the interest it pays to the bank C. the way in which it raises capital D. the speed at which it spends money [单选题]下列各项,不属防风治疗的病证的是( )
A.外感风寒,头身疼痛 B.风寒湿痹,肢体疼痛 C.肝脾不和,腹痛泄泻 D.湿热痹证,痉厥抽搐 E.破伤风症,角弓反张 [判断题]电磁流量计要求的最高环境温度是60℃,如长时间在高温环境下工作,计量仪表可能发生故障,造成流量超标。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]轨道车项修时车轮踏面剥离长度一处大于( )mm时,应更换和修理。
A.50 B.20 C.40 D.22 [多选题]根据《温州银行单位定期存款( )业务管理办法》规定,以下关于“单位定期存款( )”的业务规定方面说法正确的是( )。
A.分为定期存款A版和定期存款B版 B.最高存期为五年 C.约定利率最高不超过约定存期对应的本行单位定期存款指导利率 D.约定最小存期,一次性以转账或现金的形式存入,支持分次支取 [单项选择]"Fingers were made before forks." When a person puts aside his knife and fork, and dives into his food, someone often repeats that saying.
The fork was ancient (古代的) agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Turkey brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe. By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widely spread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians hated eating food touched with fingers. English were thought to be womanlike and women who used them were called show-offs(卖弄) and overnice (过于讲究的). Not until the late 1600s did using a fork become a common custom. The custom of eating with a fork was______. A. begun when forks were first invented B. brought to Europe from Asia C. brought to Europe from Africa D. first formed in Italy [单项选择]金属幕墙用单层铝板的最小厚度符合施工与验收规范要求的是()mm。
A. 2.0 B. 2.5 C. 3.0 D. 4.0 [简答题]常用的轴瓦材料有哪些?
W: Sweet Home Furniture. Can I help you A. Sofas. B. Tables. C. Beds. D. Bookshelves. [判断题]事故调查组向有关单位和个人了解与事故有关的情况,要求其提供相关文件、资料涉及其内部机密的,有关单位和个人可以拒绝。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]专职消防员晋升上一等级,应具备下列条件:( )
A.身体、心理健康,品行良好; B.遵纪守法、作风正派、能胜任本职工作; C.业务技能、体能考核合格; D.经过相应培训且考核合格。 [单选题]休克时正确的补液原则是()
A.补液“宁多勿少” B.需多少补多少 C.补充丧失的部分液体和当天继续丧失的液体 D.失多少补多少 [多选题]与普通股票相比较,下列表述中,属于优先股票的特点是()
A.适宜短期投资 B.风险较高 C.收入稳定 D.二级市场价格波动小 [单选题]石灰熟化过程中“陈伏”是为了( )。
A.有利于结晶 B.蒸发多余水分 C.降低放热量 D.消除过火石灰危害 我来回答: 提交