England is not a big country: from
north to south and from east to west it is only about three hundred miles
across. But for a small country it has a surprising range of climate. People who
have never visited England or who have visited only one part of it often makes
the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wet country. Except for the summer
months of June to September, this is probably true of the north of England and
the Midlands. In the south, however, the climate is much more pleasant. One
result is that when people retire from the job in the north, they often prefer
to move down to the south. Perhaps the warmest part of the country is the southwest, which consists of(is made up of) the counties of Devon and Cornwall, where palm trees, bamboo and many semitropical plants grow well. Flowers and vegetables ripen as muc A. one hundred miles B. three hundred miles C. one hundred and fifty miles D. six hundred miles [单选题]《安全生产许可证条例》规定,企业未取得安全生产许可证擅自进行生产的,责令停止生产,没收违法所得,并处( )的罚款;造成重大事故或者其他严重后果,构成犯罪的,依去追究刑事责任。
A.20万元以上50万元以下 B.10万元以上50万元以下 C.5万元以上10万元以下 D.10万元以上30万元以下 [多选题] 公安机关在刑事诉讼中有下列哪些职责?()
A. 案件侦查 B. 移送起诉 C. 执行部分刑罚 D. 审判 [单选题]对于现实世界中事物的特征,在实体-联系模型(E-R)中使用( )。
A.属性描述 B.关键字描述 C.二维表格描述 D.实体描述 [判断题]审核就是要发现问题,没有发现问题表明审核员能力不够。
A.风险评估 B.定级 C.审核 D.发布 E.报备与解除 [单项选择]通过Applet的 ( ) 方法,可以得到Applet类文档的URL。
A. getCodeBase () B. getHost () C. getByName () D. getDocumentBase () [判断题]安全工器具室内应配置适用的柜、架,可存放不影响安全工器具性能的其他物品。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据着火部位、疏散方向,OCC命令开启相应的( )。
A.区间封闭模式 B.区间火灾排烟模式 C.区间灭火模式 D.区间防风模式 [单项选择]在大脑半球损害的情况下,最有可能的是()。
A. 优势半球有损害,则VIQ明显低于PIQ B. 两半球弥漫性损害,则VIQ明显低于PIQ C. 非优势半球有损害,则VIQ明显低于PIQ D. 两半球弥漫性损害,则VIQ等于PIQ [单选题]动车组四、五级检修后试运行里程规定:时速200-250公里动车组不少于( )公里。
A.500 B.1000 C.1500 D.2000 [单项选择]What does the author imply about the use of wallpaper before 1730
A. Wallpaper samples appeared in the architectural manuals. B. Wallpaper was the same color as the wall paints used. C. Wallpaper was not used in stone houses. D. Patterned wallpaper was not widely used. [单选题]民航空管从业人员未经安全教育和培训的,()上岗作业。
A.不得 B.可以 C.经领导批准 D.经民航局备案后可以 [判断题]终端杆及耐张杆承力拉线应与线路方向对正;分角拉线应与线路分角线方向对正;防风拉线应与线路方向垂直。(SGGY P31)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]事故车修复的目的是要恢复汽车状态,其中一项重要工作是防腐蚀工作。
[填空题]For more than six centuries before 1868, Japan was a feudal society (47) (for much of that period) from contact with foreign countries. Feudal influence as well as that of Buddhism(佛都) and Confucianism (儒教) gave women low (48) in the family and gave them almost no role in running society. The year 1868 (49) the end of the feudal era. Thereafter Japan entered a period of rapid modernization. But despite fundamental changes in many areas of Japanese life until the end of World War II, modernization did not dramatically (50) women’s status. Leadership was in the hands of a warrior class, not concerned with reforming the social order.
In the typical family in the modern period before 1945, a bride, especially when she married an eldest son who would become the family heir(继成人), went to live with her husband’s family and was expected to (51) to the "ways of the family". In the three-generation household, the new bride occupied t [简答题]阅读下列说明,回答问题。
[说明] 某市政府机关为拓展公共服务渠道,丰富服务内容,拟重新建设该部门公共服务系统,完善市人才信息库。单位用户可在完成网上备案手续后进行人才信息查询并发布招聘信息,个人用户则可通过实名认证方式登录网站登记个人应聘信息;同时调整网上考试报名及审查系统,并增设人事政策在线咨询等全方位的服务功能。 事件1:如该公共服务系统遭到互联网人为攻击和破坏,可能致使网民的注册信息泄露,造成考试报名和审查系统瘫痪。这虽不涉及国家安全,但对该机构履行政务职能会造成一定程度的负面影响。 请简要说明系统建设应满足哪些基本条件才能进入设计阶段。 [单项选择]在业务构件间的关联、协同和互动中,关于SOA说法不正确的是?()
A. 提高业务基础服务的部署成本 B. 提高业务基础服务的灵活性和可复用性 C. 降低业务基础服务的部署成本 D. 旨在提高业务敏捷性 我来回答: 提交