患者,男,59岁,身高170cm,体重85kg,患高血压病10余年,未规律服用降压药,血压波动在90~ 100/140~160mmHg,未予重视,每于头晕、头痛明显时服药,症状消失后停药。吸烟40年,每日20支,饮酒20年,每日2两,近日由于工作劳累,情绪紧张突感剧烈头痛、头晕、恶心、视力模糊,发作性心前区疼痛。急诊检查:BP 260/120 mmHg,心率 84次/min,住院治疗5天后症状消失,血压降至 130~140/85~90 mmHg。 |
People have wondered for a long time how their
personalities and behaviors are formed. It is not easy to explain why one person
is intelligent and another is not,or why one is{{U}} (62) {{/U}}and
another ’is competitive. Social scientists are, of course, extremely interested in these types of questions. They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and {{U}} (63) {{/U}}certain behaviors. There are no clear answers yet, but two{{U}} (64) {{/U}}schools of thought on the matter have A. referred B. associated C. related D. consulted [单项选择]体现一个税种征税的深度,作为税收制度的中心环节的要素是()。
A. 纳税人 B. 纳税环节 C. 课税对象 D. 税率 [单项选择]对Coats病的视网膜毛细血管扩张区可采用()
A. 药物治疗 B. 手术治疗 C. 放疗 D. 光凝 [判断题]电缆线路的电容量比相同长度的架空线路的电容量要大的多。()
[多选题]以下对定期保证金账户销户的处理,正确的是( )。
A.定期保证金账户按协议规定被扣除余额为零后,需要柜员进行手工销户 B.非零余额保证金账户销户时,需凭业务部门保证金业务通知书办理 C.定期保证金账户销户时,应要求客户提供进账单或转账凭条 D.应审查确认待销户保证金账户无相关未履行合同关联 [单选题]下列中国古代法律格言与其蕴含的法学理论对应不正确的是()。
A.凡法事者,操持不可以不正:执法必严,执法必公 B.不知亲疏、远近、贵贱、美恶,以度量断之:法律具有强制性 C.治国使众莫如法,禁淫止暴莫如刑:依法治国 D.刑过不避大臣,赏善不遗匹夫:法律面前人人平等 [多选题]火场上常见的有毒物质有()。
A.一氧化碳 B.含毒物质分解出的有毒气体或蒸气 C.工业用的部分气体。如:煤气、水煤 D.沥青、油漆、塑料、化纤、毛织品及 E.油脂、干性油、植物油等物质的分解 [单项选择]脂肪酸从头合成的限速酶是()
A. 乙酰CoA羧化酶 B. 脂肪酸合酶 C. β-酮脂酰-ACP还原酶 D. α,β-烯脂酰-ACP还原酶 [单项选择]男性,50岁,饮酒后上腹痛、腹胀8小时。查体:血压130/80mmHg,呼吸18次/分,上腹明显压痛、肌紧张、反跳痛。血淀粉酶>500Somogyi单位。下列哪项措施不合适()
A. 胃肠减压 B. 禁食 C. 应用质子泵抑制剂静脉滴注 D. 及早应用肾上腺糖皮质激素 E. 及早应用奥曲肽静脉滴注 [单项选择]更换阀门时,阀门(),会造成漏油。
A. 法兰垫片没放正 B. 方向装反 C. 手轮铜套松动 D. 未进行刷漆防腐 [简答题]赵过
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]当代大学生担当了新时代赋予的责任,成就出彩人生包括()。
A.与历史同向 B.与祖国同行 C.与人民同在 D.与潮流同行 [填空题]在网络中放置中继器主要是为了防止()
[单选题]选项中哪一项不属于消防员招录的原则?( )
A.公平公正 B.组织推荐 C.平等自愿 D.竞争择优 [单选题]根据安全生产许可证的取得条件,必须持特种作业操作证书上岗的人员是()。
A.项目经理 B.脚手架作业人员 C.兼职安全员 D.BIM系统操作员 [填空题]
A. 角膜溃疡 B. 真菌感染 C. 抗菌药不能控制的感染 D. 重症伤寒 E. 二重感染 [单项选择]Catastrophic volcanic eruptions in Europe may have culled Neanderthals to the point where they couldn’t bounce back, according to a controversial new theory. Modern humans, though, squeaked by, thanks to fallback populations in Africa and Asia, researchers say.
About 40,000 years ago in what we now call Italy and the Caucasus Mountains, which straddle Europe and Asia, several volcanoes erupted in quick succession, according to a new study to be published in the October issue of the journal Current Anthropology. It’s likely the eruptions reduced or wiped out local bands of Neanderthals and indirectly affected farther-flung populations, the team concluded after analyzing pollen and ash from the affected area. The researchers examined sediments layer from around 40,000 years ago in Russia’s Mezmaiskaya Cave and found that the more volcanic ash a layer had, the less plant pollen it contained. "We tested all the layers for this volcanic ash signature. The most volcanic-ash-rich la A. Volcanoes killed off Neanderthals B. Modern humans escaped extinction due to their farther-flung populations C. Climate Change wiped out Neanderthals D. The competition between Neanderthals and Modern humans 我来回答: 提交