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The government’s chief prosecutor has launched an outspoken attack on plans by David Blunkett, the home secretary, to try terrorists without juries and in secret.
Ken Macdonald QC, the director of public prosecutions, says in an article in today’s Sunday Times that plans for trials without juries of some terror suspects would undermine public faith in the criminal justice system. In his attack on proposals expected in Blunkett’s forthcoming draft terrorism bill to limit the right to jury trial for Al-Qaeda and other Islamic terror suspects, Macdonald says: "To be effective against... terrorism, we need to call on legislation that is clear, flexible and proportionate to the threat."
Nobody wants to throw out the baby with the bath water; we do not want to fight terrorism by destroying precisely those things terrorism is trying to take away from us.
"Open, liberal democracies fail if they try to protect
A. no terrorists can be caught if the legislation is unclear.
B. secret trials would destroy both public faith and terrorists.
C. nobody wants to offer "minor players" some immunity.
D. we should not try terrorists in secret.
Many people wrongly believe that when
people reach old age, their families place them in nursing homes. They are left
in the hands of strangers for the rest of their lives. Their (31)
children visit them only occasionally, but more often, they do not
have any (32) visitors. The truth is that this idea is an
unfortunate myth imaginary story. In fact, family members provide over 80
percent of the care (33) elderly people need. Samuel Preston,
a sociologist, studied (34) the American family is changing.
He reported that by the time the (35) American couple reaches
40 years of age, they have more parents than children. (36)
because people today live longer after an illness than people did
years ago, family members must provide long term care. More psychologists have
found that all caregivers share a common char A. when B. how C. what D. where [判断题]基坑围护结构不得漏水.漏砂,基坑坑底不得积水.涌水。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在最佳现金持有量的随机模式计算中,与最佳现金持有量成反比例变动的是()。
A. 每次有价证券的固定转换成本 B. 有价证券的日利息率 C. 预期每日现金余额变化的标准差 D. 现金存量的下线 [多选题]X型题埃博拉出血热是由埃博拉病毒引起的一种急性出血性传染病其主要的临床特征包括有
A.急性起病、高热、畏寒、极度乏力、肌痛、头痛和咽痛,并可出现恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻、粘液便或血便、皮疹等 B.3-4天后可进入极期,出现持续高热,感染中毒症状及消化道症状加重,有不同程度的出血 C.严重者可出现意识障碍、休克及多脏器受累,多在发病后2周内,死于出血、多脏器功能障碍等 D.病理改变是皮肤、粘膜、脏器的出血,多器官可以见到灶性坏死肝细胞点、灶样坏死是本病的典型特点 [判断题]引发电气火灾要具备的两个条件为:有可燃物质和引燃条件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]列车行李员应当正确统计行包装载件数.重量,填制( ).列车行包密度表。
A.交接单 B.行包装卸交接证 C.交接凭证 D.行包装卸单 [判断题]同一种粉尘、在空气中的浓度越高、呼吸量越大、则尘肺病的发病效率就越低。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列各穴,不属于原穴的是()
A. 太渊 B. 太白 C. 太冲 D. 太溪 E. 太乙 [填空题]国家综合性消防救援队伍单位之间,根据上级命令或者指示,可以构成()、配属与被配属等关系
A. 抽水蓄能发电 B. 波浪能发电 C. 潮汐能发电 D. 地热能发电 E. 河川径流水能发电 [单选题]当前主流的多核计算机属于( )计算机。
A.SISD B.SIMD C.MISD D.MIMD [单项选择]车外头时应注意区分里外踝几号,号码齿在()的是右脚。
A. 左边 B. 上边 C. 下边 D. 右边 [判断题]CRH2A(头型)动车组,电动内端门通常状态下为常闭状态,人或物体进入光电开关检测区域范围内自动打开,通过后,约 4 秒后自动关闭,无需人为干涉。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]旅客投诉处理应遵循()的原则
A.A、首诉负责 B.B、统一受理 C.C、依法合规、专业管理 D.D、客观公正、注重时效 [单选题]托运人应当如实填报托运单,铁路运输企业有权对填报的货物和包裹的品名、重量、数量进行检查。经检查,申报与实际不符的,检查费用由( )承担。
A.铁路运输企业 B.收货人 C.托运人 D.承运人 [单选题]《广深港高速铁路跨境旅客运输组织规则》规定学校所在地有学生父或母其中一方时不能发售学生票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]通常用来调整止推间隙用的轴承为( )。
A.推力轴承 B.轴衬 C.轴瓦 D.滚珠轴承 [单选题]我国轻柴油按()划分牌号。
A.辛烷值 B.十六烷值 C.凝点 D.蒸发性 我来回答: 提交