There is a basic hypothesis that the
majority of serious motoring offences are derived from accidents, and there is
nothing in the offender’s personality or background that predisposes him to
break the law. If an accident is a chance event that happens so quickly and
suddenly that it is beyond anyone’s control to prevent it, then it is clear that
this hypothesis is disproved. For only about 14 per cent of the 653 offences
considered in a recent survey could possibly be called inadvertent accidents in
this sense, and even this estimate is stretching credulity to its limits. In the
great majority of cases the offences were largely of the offenders’ own making.
In 11 per cent of the 653 cases and 21 per cent of 43 offenders who were
interviewed there was evidence of selfish, and even ruthless, self-interest, but
it was not possible to infer personality distur A. (A) they are much better at controlling a car B. (B) they are smaller and more important C. (C) they are less likely to commit grave offences D. (D) they are more unwilling to take out policies themselves [单选题]死亡( )人,或重伤()人,或直接经济损失()元,为重大事故;
A.1、10 、100 B.2-5、11-19、100-1000 C.6-14、20-39、1000万-2亿 D.15、40、2亿 [单选题]2.220. 第220题
双母线中停用一组母线,在倒母线后,应() A.先拉开母联开关,后拉开空出母线上电压互感器次级开关 B.先拉开空出母线上电压互感器一次刀闸,后拉开母联开关 C.先拉开空出母线上电压互感器次级开关,后拉开母联开关 D.先拉开空出母线上电压互感器一次刀闸,后拉开电压互感器次级开关 [多选题]流量监管和流量整形有哪些差异?(已确认)
A.在入口方向运用流量整形,在出口方向运用流量监管 B.对于流量整形,路由器会缓存过量的数据包直到带宽再次可用 C.流量监管运用令牌桶算法,流量整形运用SPD算法 D.对于流量监管,可以为超过CIR的流量调整缓存区的使用情况 E.对于流量整形,可以为超过CIR的流量调整缓存区的使用情况 [单选题]运载超长、超高或重大物件时,()基本一致,超长物件尾部应设标志。
A.物件重心应与车厢承重中心 B.物件重心应与车厢前轮 C.物件重心应与车厢后轮 D.物件中心应与车厢承重中心 E./ F./ [单选题]在潮湿的地下有限空间作业,照明电压应不大于( )。
A.12V B.24V C.36V [单选题]电焊机的外壳应可靠接地,接地电阻不准大于()Ω。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [名词解释]国际惯例
[单选题]肩关节周围炎病程日久肩臂部肌肉出现萎缩,较明显的是( )
A. 大圆肌 B. 小圆肌 C. 胸大肌 D. 三角肌 E. 胸小肌 [单选题](JLY-CC02)标准体积管残留量试验时,是用( ),分别将两个实验用球推至规定位置处。
A.水 B.压缩空气 C.试验液体 D.其他液体 [单选题]安全泄放装置能自动迅速地泄放压力容器内的介质,以便使压力容器始终保持在( )压力范围内。
A.工作 B.最高允许工作 C.设计 [多项选择]根据增值税法律制度的规定,下列各项中,属于增值税征收范围的有( )。
A. 邮政部门销售集邮商品 B. 邮票厂印制邮票 C. 银行销售金银 D. 商场销售金银饰品 [简答题]制药企业药师的主要职能有哪些?
A. 大剂量抗生素治疗感染后择期手术 B. 全胃肠外营养后手术 C. 立即手术 D. 积极抗休克同时及早手术 E. 应用血管收缩剂,血压升至正常后及早手术 [单选题]中国 系统的简称是CTCS。
A.列车安全控制 B.列车运行控制 C.列车超速防护 D.列车监控 [单选题]下列各项中,不能作为IP地址的是()。
A. B. C. D. [单选题]关于重大事故的处理原则,下列表述错误的是()。
A.不跑、冒、滴、漏,不超温、超压、串压 B.注意保护催化剂及设备 C.可以就低排放油和气体,防止发生着火爆炸等恶性事故 我来回答: 提交