For one brief moment, after years of
fear and loathing, America seemed ready to make peace with the SAT. When the
University of California several years ago threatened to treat the test like a
bad batch of cafeteria food and tell applicants not to buy it, the College Board
junked the bewildering analogy questions (Warthogs are to pigs as politicians
are to what ), created a writing section (including producing an essay), added
tougher math questions and more reading analysis—and had everybody talking about
the new-and-improved SAT. Then the first students to take SAT: The Sequel were seen stumbling out of the testing centers as if they had just run a marathon, and all the happy talks ended. With the three hours and 45 minutes stretching to five hours with breaks and instructions, it got worse. Nobody i A. the suggestion that the SAT should be reformed. B. the idea that the SAT will be improved. C. the concept that the SAT will be substituted. D. the belief that the SAT has been improved. [单选题](B737ng)属自主式导航设备的是:
A.A. DME B.B. VOR C.C.IRS D.D. ADF [单项选择]以下说法正确的是()?
A. 自发辐射可以是单色的 B. 线型函数无量纲 C. 线型函数满足归一化条件 D. 能级是无限窄的 [简答题]“待用间隔的隔离开关(刀闸)操作手柄、网门可不加锁”,这种说法是否正确?
A.国家安全生产监督管理部门 B.国家质量监督检验管理部门 C. 铁路监督管理局 D.铁路局 [判断题]45°及以下的耐张转角和终端水泥单杆采用单排横担结构。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]颈动脉系统TIA的平均发作时间为()
A. 5min B. 8min C. 10min D. 14min E. 30min [单选题]加强文化环境建设,突出( )规范营院政治环境,打造特色职业文化,发晨丰富多彩的传统文化、战斗文化、安全文化、法治文化。
A.两学一做 B.训词精神 C.队旗队徽 D.四句话方针 [判断题]应有计划地采用钢轨打(铣)磨列车进行预打磨、修理性打磨(或铣磨)。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]治疗漏肩风的主穴处方是______、______、______ ______、______。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [单项选择]在水中溶解度最大的小檗碱盐是
A. 硫酸盐 B. 酸性硫酸盐 C. 磷酸盐 D. 盐酸盐 E. 枸橼酸盐 [单选题]不属于阵发性室上性心动过速临床表现的是:( )
A.突发突止 B.心率>150次/分 C.心律绝对规整 D.第一心音强弱不等 E.大部分由折返机制引起 [多选题]下列关于《预算法》规定的预算管理原则的说法中,正确的是( )
A.全口径预算是指政府的全部收入和支出均纳入预算进行管理 B.经人民代表大会批准的预算,非经法定程序,不得调整 C.收支平衡是指在一定时期内财政收入与支出在总量上的平衡、收支结构合理以及分配比例协调 D.我国实行一级政府一级预算,共设立了六级预算 E.我国实行一级政府一级预算,共设立了五级预算 [单选题]柴油机工作时,出现水温过高的原因有:( )
A.冷却风扇不转或转速低 B.柴油机漏水 C.润滑不良 [填空题]机车走行部用以承受车体车架及其上部所有设备的重量,传递机车( )和制动力,并保证机车的安全行走。
[单选题]确定允许最大空速Vmo的因素是( )。
A.飞机构型 B.飞行高度 C.飞机构型和飞机高度 D.飞机构型和大气温度 [多选题] 社会主义核心价值观以其( )而居于人类社会的价值制高点,具有强大的道义力量。 ( )
A. 先进性 B. 人民性 C.真实性 D.阶级性 [单项选择]海因里希事件的发生时间是()。
A. 1978年 B. 1986年 C. 1988年 D. 1997年 [单项选择]谈判中,对手如果是趾高气扬、锋芒毕露、咄咄逼人类型的,有效的策略是般采用( )。
A. 休会策略 B. 最后一分钟策略 C. 声东击西策略 D. 疲劳战术 [单项选择]下列除()外均不是VB合法的变量名。
A. 3ABC B. ABC_3 C. ABC.3 D. _ABC [单选题]同沟敷设的5条直埋线路同地同时阻断4条,记障碍()次。
A.1 B.4 C.5 D.如果在规定时间内抢修完毕不算障碍 [判断题]桥隧综合维修验收时作业质量分为优良、合格、不合格三个等级。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]The little creatures inside the eggs, mere days from hatching, aren’t the only ones with eagle eyes. Thousands of people from around the world are flocking to the website for BC-based Hancock Wildlife Foundation to watch live streaming video of a pair of bald eagle eggs.
Two cameras, set up near a nest in Delta, B.C., first caught the mother laying the eggs in February. With the little eagles ready to emerge any time now, more and more viewers are tuning in, watching for the slightest sign of their arrival. "We call ourselves eagle-holics because most of us really are," Karen Bills, Hancock’s project coordinator, said with a laugh. Bills said the viewers, many of whom are elderly, some from as far away as Australia and Europe, are watching intently for little cracks in the eggs. As the expected arrival date has grown closer and closer, Hancock’s website traffic has grown busier and busier. Bills said so many people have been tuning in that she sometimes can’t get on the f [判断题]( )小麦的籽粒在植物学上称为果实。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]公安、纪检、司法等部门处理案件,调阅信贷档案时,可以将原件抽出借走。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]春温后期,身热,心烦不得卧,口干咽燥,舌红苔黄,脉细数。病机为()
A. 肾阴耗伤,心火炽盛 B. 热灼营阴,心神被扰 C. 热人心包,心窍闭阻 D. 余邪留伏阴分 E. 肝肾阴伤,邪少虚多 [单选题]1.158.第158题
《低压配电设计规范》规定:TN系统中电气装置的所有可导电部分,应通过保护导体与电源系统的接地点连接。() A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]装运危险货物的集装箱按《铁路货物运价规则》规定适用两种加成率时,适用( )。[332020116]
A.两种加成率相加的加成率 B.其中较大的一种加成率 C.其中较小的一种加成率 D.其中任何一种 [判断题]《中国铁路北京局集团有限公司防洪标准化管理办法》雨情预警规定,蓝色预警:24小时雨量预报有中雨的地区。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]急性化脓性腹膜炎的临床表现是
A. 全腹压痛、腹肌紧张 B. 剧烈全腹疼痛 C. 腹泻、脓血便 D. 发病时寒战、高热 我来回答: 提交