One afternoon I was sitting at my
favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered. Suddenly
I{{U}} (36) {{/U}}that a man sitting at a table near the window kept
glancing in my direction,{{U}} (37) {{/U}}he knew me. The man had a
newspaper{{U}} (38) {{/U}}in front of him, which he was{{U}} (39)
{{/U}}to read, but I could{{U}} (40) {{/U}}that he was keeping an
eye on me. When the waiter brought my{{U}} (41) {{/U}}, the man was
clearly puzzled (困惑) by the{{U}} (42) {{/U}}way in which the waiter and
I{{U}} (43) {{/U}}each other. He seemed even more puzzled as{{U}}
(44) {{/U}}went on and it became{{U}} (45) {{/U}}that all the
waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the{{U}}
(46) {{/U}}. When he came out, he paid his bill and{{U A. met B. caught C. followed D. discovered [判断题]美元的纸张主要是由棉、麻纤维抄造而成。纸张坚韧、挺括,在紫外光下有荧光反应。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]资金供应风险有( )。
A. 已承诺出资的投资者中途变故,不能兑现承诺 B. 原定发行股票、债券计划不能落实 C. 既有法人融资项目由于企业经营状况恶化,无力按原定计划出资 D. 其他资金不能按建设进度足额及时到位 E. 经济因素的不稳定使资金流向改变 [单项选择]在刑事诉讼活动中,人民法院不具有的职权是:
A. 对刑事被告人决定逮捕、拘传、取保候审和监视居住 B. 决定和执行刑事拘留 C. 必要时可以进行勘验、检查、扣押和鉴定 D. 可以查询和冻结被告人存款 [填空题]
{{B}}Section A{{/B}} In this section,there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
Scientists have developed a computerised mind-reading technique which lets them accurately predict the images that people are looking at by using scanners to study brain activity. The breakthrough by American scientists took MRI(磁共振成像)scanning equipment normally used in hospital diagnosis to observe patterns of brain activity when a subject examined a range of black and white photographs. Then a computer was able to correctly predict in nine out of ten cases which image people were focused on. Guesswork would have been accurate only eight times in every 1000 attempts. The study raises the possibility in the future of the technology being harnessed to visualise scenes from a person’s dreams or memory. [单选题]电器着火时下列不能用的灭火方法是哪种? ( )
A.用四氯化碳或1211灭火器进行灭火 B.用沙土灭火 C.用水灭火 [判断题]禁止作业人员擅自移动或拆除遮栏(围栏)、标示牌。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交