Last Fourth of July, Pete, a
14-year-old boy, was enjoying the lit-up skies and loud booms from the fireworks
being set off in his neighborhood. Suddenly, the evening took a terrible turn. A
bottle rocket shot into his eye, immediately causing him terrible pain. His
family rushed him to the emergency room for treatment. As a result of the
injury, Pete developed glaucoma and cataracts. Today, Pete has permanent vision
loss in his injured eye because of his bottle rocket injury. June is Fireworks Eye Safety Awareness Month, and through its Eye Smart campaign the American Academy of Ophthalmology wants to remind consumers to leave fireworks to professionals. "There is nothing worse than a Fourth of July celebration ruined by someone being hit in the eye with A. celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks B. leave fireworks to professionals in their celebrations C. stop celebrating the Fourth of July altogether D. set off fireworks together with trained professionals [单选题]下列关于室外疏散楼梯的设置不符合规定的是:
A.栏杆扶手的高度不应小于1.10m,楼梯的净宽度不应小于0.90m B.倾斜角度不应大于60° C.梯段和平台均应采用不燃材料制作 D.通向室外楼梯的门应采用乙级防火门,并应向外开启。 [单选题]液化石油气,别名压缩煤气、液化气,当低浓度时有哪些不良反应( )
A.刺激呼吸器官和窒息作用 B.立即死亡 C.头晕呕吐 D.心跳加速 [多选题]ETC交易清分:由各级清分机构将交易数据按照参与方之间已完成确认,包含()的笔数、金额等进行汇总、整理和分类。
A.记账 B.不记账 C.现金 D.移动支付 [单项选择]
Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person who is fully (21) only among people he knows well. [单项选择]对窗体编写如下事件过程:
Option Base 1
Private Sub Form_KeyPress (KeyAScii AS Integer)
If fKeyAscii=12 Then
For i=2 To 5
If arr(i)>m1 Then
End If
Next i
End If
Print m1
Print m2
End Sub
程序运行之后按回车键,输出结果为( )。
[填空题]用兆欧表测量高压设备绝缘电阻时,应( ) 和确认设备上( )后方可进行。
A.0.8 B.0.85 C.0.9 D.0.95 E.1 [单选题]已停电的设备,在未得到值班调度员许可开工的指令前,不得进行检修。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [多选题]生产安全事故(事件)责任按责任程度分为( )、( )、( )、一定责任、同等责任和无责任等。
A.A、全部责任 B.B、主要责任 C.C、直接责任 D.D、次要责任 E.E、间接责任。 [单选题]甲于2013年1月为自己向X保险公司投保了人身意外伤害保险,保额为30万 元,保险期限为一年。2013年3月,甲在工作中遭遇一次意外事故导致一目永久完全失明(给付比例为30%)并一手拇指缺失(给付比例为10%)。同年6月,甲再次 遭遇车祸导致双耳听觉机能永久完全丧失(给付比例为50%)。两次事故后,甲整日 以泪洗面,于2013年年底郁郁而终。
对于甲遭遇的第二次意外伤害,X保险公司应给付保险金( )万元。
A.0 B.9 C.15 D.18 [单项选择] 关于2009年《保险法》中与商业健康保险关系密切的法律条款,以下说法正确的是()。 ①健康保险属于人身保险业务范畴 ②商业健康保险的经营主体限于专业健康险公司和产险公司 ③产险公司经营的短期健康保险属于人身保险范畴 ④商业健康保险的责任追诉期为三年
A. ①② B. ②③ C. ②④ D. ①③ [单项选择]
A. mode B. copy C. sample D. model 我来回答: 提交