Immediately after the Civil War, however, the diet began to change. (46) Rail transportation increased the supply and improved, the quality of the milk that reached urban centers; cold storage and refrigerator cars made possible the greater consumption of fresh vegetables fresh fruits, and fresh fish; and commercial canning extended the range of appetizing and healthful foods. Subsequently food statistics indicated an increased consumption of dairy products, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, sugar and syrups, coffee, tea, cocoa and spices. Decreased consumption was shown for meats, potatoes and grain products. (47) By and large, the American diet continued to reflect a considerable reliance upon animal products, rather than on grains, which meant that a relatively large acreage was required to feed the American public. Whereas a grain and fish diet, such as in Japan, requires only a quarter of an acre high yield cropland and no pasture per captivate American diet requi
李老师带领一组实习生到某市郊区县进行口腔健康调查,大家认真讨论了调查方案和步骤方法,就下面的各个环节提出了具体措施。 |
The bizarre antics of sleepwalkers have
puzzled police, perplexed scientists, and fascinated writers for centuries.
There is an endless supply of stories about sleepwalkers. Person have been said
to climb on steep roofs, solve mathematical problems, compose music, walk though
plate glass windows, and commit murder in their sleep. How many of these stories have a basic in fact, and how many are pure fakery No one knows, but If some of the most sensational stories should be taken with a barrel of salt, others are a matter of record. In Revere, Massachusetts, a hundred policemen combed a waterfront neighborhood for a lost boy who left his home in his sleep and woke up five hours later on a strange sofa in a strange living room, with no idea how he had gone there. There is an early medic A. The man walked sixteen miles along a dangerous road. B. The boy walked five hours in his sleep. C. The student habitually walked to the Iowa River and swam in his sleep. D. The man danced a minuet in his sleep. [判断题] 路基处理车复线地段施工,线间距不得小于4.3m,不足4.3m时,必须提前采取拨道等措施满足作业要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]课程目标就是教育目标。
A. 30% B. 10% C. 50% D. 70% E. 90% [判断题]()岔枕是指铺设于钢轨下面,用以固定道岔轨件、组成道岔轨排,承受列车通过钢轨传来的载荷并将其传布到道床的构件。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]为什么青色番茄吃不得?
[单选题]标准样品制作的环境条件:照度( )Lx(工作面光照度)。
A.1800---2200 B.1200---1400 C.1400---1600 D.1600---1800 [判断题]常压下,溴化锂溶液浓度大小对金属腐蚀性无关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]生物物种保护中,根据种群状态将生物分为()。
A.受威胁物种 B.渐危物种 C.濒危物种 D.高危物种 E.灭绝物种 [单项选择]Jagdish Teja, CFA, is a buy-side analyst covering the furniture industry in a large investment management firm. She is invited to attend a conference call meeting with the top executives of a large furniture manufacturing company and four buy-side analysts. During the meeting, the CEO mentions that they have just calculated the company's earnings for the past quarter and they have unexpectedly and significantly dropped. The CFO adds that this drop will not be released to the public until next week. According to the Standards of Practice Handbook, Tejas' most appropriate initial course of action would be to:()
A. encourage the company to make the information public as soon as possible. B. disclose the information to her firm's compliance department personnel. C. disclose the information to five equally important sell-side analysts so that the information is distributed in an equitable manner. 我来回答: 提交