In accordance with the mission it has
set itself to further the development of sport, the International Olympic
Committee strives to promote women’ s participation in sports activities in the
Olympic Games. Sport, whether competition sport or sport for all, has become a
social force with a major impact on the structure of society and the condition
of women. In all countries, the message and values communicated by sport,
through its regulatory bodies, math a substantial part of the population
regardless of social class. Because of this, sport is a tremendous medium of
communication and emancipation which has to a certain extent helped to build
women’ s awareness and hence their role in society. And it is worth stressing that by engaging in activities which are by definition dosed to them, women can over A. to have never participated in sport competition B. to have been confined to leisure activities C. to have taken part in Olympic games D. to have engaged in horse riding and swimming [单选题]开展客户侧用电检查现场作业时,由()许可后,即可开展用电检查(反窃查违)相关工作。
A.工作负责人 B.专责监护人 C.工作许可人 D.供电方许可人 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司IT硬件资源体系化管理工作指引》规定:5.1.4IT硬件资源建设方/运营方,应基于( )进行资源申请、建设和交付。应有效集中管控全网资源,优化资源配置,缩短资源交付周期,有力支撑公司各类业务场景应用的快速构建和迭代升级,提升公司生产、经营、管理效率和质量。
A.南网云 B.广西云 C.阿里云 D.腾讯云 [判断题]>物件间的相互机械作用叫做力,这种机械作用使物体的运动状态发生改变或使物体发生变形。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]属于主动免疫治疗肿瘤的方法是
A.IL-2的注射 B.BCG注射 C.IAK的输入 D.抗原性疫苗的输入 E.抗肿瘤导向治疗 [判断题]锯高压电缆前,必须与电缆图纸核对无误,并验明电缆无电压后,用接地的带木柄的铁钎钉入电缆芯后方可工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]采用冷拉方法调直钢筋时,HPB300级钢筋的冷拉率不宜大于( )。
A.1% B.2% C.3% D.5% [多项选择]甲出差前将家中一台彩电交邻居乙保管,在出差期间,乙将彩电卖给丙,丙认为彩电为乙所有,便以合理价格购得,对此()。
A. 甲不得向丙请求返还彩电 B. 甲可要求丙返还彩电 C. 甲可要求乙赔偿责任 D. 甲可要求丙赔偿损失 E. 由于乙无权处分,所以甲不追认时,丙不能获得所有权 [判断题] 正确使用施工机具、安全工器具和劳动防护用品是工作班成员的安全责任。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]办理个人自助质押贷款必须用于个人经营,严禁借款人将贷款资金以任何形式挪作他用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]低压电容器的放电负载通常( )。
A..灯泡 B.线圈 C.互感器 [单选题]针对通用返回码,服务端返回()返回码时,需要记录日志。
A.大于0 B.小于0 C.非0 D.所有 [单选题]高层公共建筑(不超过100米)消火栓栓口动压不应小于()MPA,且消防水枪充实水柱应按13米计算。
A.0.25; B.0.4; C.0.35; D.0.3 [单项选择]需要建设单位长期保存、监理单位短期保存的监理文件是( )。
A. 监理月报总结 B. 不合格项目通知 C. 月付款报审与支付 D. 工程延期报告及审批 我来回答: 提交