Although vocal cords are lacking in
cetaceans, phonation is undoubtedly centered in the larynx. The toothed whales or odontocetes (sperm whales and porpoises) are much more vociferous than the whalebone whales, or mysticetes. In this country observers have recorded only occasional sounds from two species of mystieetes (the humpback and right whale). A Russian cetologist reports hearing sounds from at least five species of whalebone whales but gives no details of the circumstances or descriptions of the A. porpoises have vocal cords but right whales do not B. Russians report vocal cords in five species of whales C. there is a correlation between vocal cords and auditory areas of the brain D. whales do not have vocal cords [判断题]行政处罚的种类包括警告、罚款、没收违法所得、收缴违禁品、行政拘留等( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下不属于单手手势的是()
A. 正确 B. 按钮 C. 先生 D. 朋友 [单选题] 水下气割又称为()。
A.氧-弧水下热切割 B.氧-可燃气热切割 C.金属-电弧水下热切割 [填空题]餐饮服务质量控制必须具备三个基本条件:即()、()、()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]扑救高危场所火灾时,车辆应当停在便于展开、便于转移的安全位置,车头应朝()方向。
A.前进 B.进攻 C.撤离 D.火势蔓延 [单选题]《普修规》跨区间及区间无缝线路应采用( ) kg/m及以上钢轨。
A.43 B.50 C.60 D.75 [单选题]
减小发电机负序电流的方法有( ); A. 增加线路长度,从而增加负序阻抗; B. 增加并联变压器的台数和线路回数; C. 减少变压器中性点的接地数量; D. 避免大容量的变压器中性点接地; [多选题]旋风分离器堵塞现象有( )
A. 旋风分离器底部灰压持续升高大于10kPA.超过1min; B. 固定负荷下,燃烧室总差压出现下降; C.旋风分离器下部流化风风量持续下降。 D.对应区域床温不正常升高。 我来回答: 提交