Question: 80-83 are based on
the following passage. The Future of Warfare The latest revolution in warfare is based on the application of information technology to weapons. It involves gathering huge amounts of data; processing them so that relevant information is displayed on a screen; and then destroying targets, at much greater distance and with much greater accuracy than was previously possible. These changes favor attacks rather than defense: large, easy-to-hit objects—whether military bases, ship, tanks or concentration of troops—are increasingly vulnerable to weapons such as cruise missiles steered by satellite beams. All this is bad news for America’s potential foes. Russia, a once and perhaps future rival, has neither the money nor the know-how to imitate the latest Amer A. their enemies can quickly imitate their weapons B. their allies are unable to produce the same kind of weapons C. many other countries are not financially capable of producing weapons that are in line with American weapons D. their enemies may come up with other dangerous weapons [单选题]109
离.关.断.器.联.,.离.关.遵.的.作.则.( ). A. 先.后. B. 先.先. C. 先.后.. D. 先.后. [单项选择]When a consumer finds that his purchase has a fault in it, what is the first thing he should do
A. Complain personally to the manager. B. Threaten to take the matter to court. C. Write a firm letter of complaint to the store of purchase. D. Show some written proof of the purchase to the store. [单选题]建设项目在(),建设单位应当进行职业病危害控制效果评价。
A.项目竣工验收前 B.项目施工阶段 C.可行性论证阶段 [简答题]AE中如何输出单帧图片?
A.急性外阴炎,会因阴道口红、肿、痛 B.急性子宫内膜炎,恶露多、臭,下腹压痛 C.急性盆腔结缔组织炎,下腹痛,盆腔包块 D.急性宫颈炎,宫颈充血,脓性分泌物 E.血栓性静脉炎,下肢皮肤发白、痛肿 [多项选择]埋地管是敷设在室内地下的横管,在敞开式雨水系统中,埋地管宜采用()。
A. 混凝土管 B. 钢筋混凝土管 C. 陶土管 D. 石棉水泥管 E. 铸铁管 [不定项选择题]A.分层
A.絮凝 B.转相 C.破裂 D.酸败 E.乳剂絮凝后分散相乳滴合并且与连续相分离成不相混溶的两层液体的现象称为 我来回答: 提交