The horse came into existence before
man on earth. Although the earliest remains of primitive horses have been found
on the North American continent, many scientists believe this small species
traveled over a land mass. It became extinct (绝种的) in America. Other scientists
believe that the horse may have originated in Asia. In any event the animal soon
spread into China, Europe, and the Middle East. The first modem horse to be
introduced into the American continent came with the early Spanish explorers.
Horses were bred into many types. The heavy horses developed in the low
countries of Europe and were used for work and by the medieval knights (中世纪骑士)
to fide. The oldest breed of horses is said to be the Arabian. The only true
wild horses left in 20th century are found in Mongolia. Horses are said to rate
in intelligence after the ape, t A. To tell readers that horse appeared earlier than human being. B. To inform us that horses can help us a lot. C. To introduce the history and characteristics of horses. D. To introduce the primitive horses to modern man. [单选题]国家电网有限公司“阳光业扩”服务工作方案中提出:公开办电服务信息。通过营业厅、“网上国网”APP、95598网站等线上线下渠道,向社会广泛公开____、收费项目及标准、服务规范、验收标准等公示类信息;。
A.电费电价 B.客户信息 C.试验单位 D.施工单位 [单选题]下列有关机械加压送风机设置要求的说法,不正确的是( )。
A.送风机的进风口不应与排烟风机的出风口设置在同一层面 B.送风机宜设置在系统的下部,且应采取保证各层送风量均匀性的措施。 C.送风机的进风口与排烟风机的出风口分开布置,且竖向布置时,送风机的进风口应设置在排烟出口的下方,其两者边缘最小垂直距离不应小于6.0m; D.送风机的进风管上安装单向风阀时,应确保火灾时阀门自动关闭 [单选题]“三个有利于”的判断标准中最根本的标准是( )。
A.是否有利于社会主义生产发展,即生产力标准 B.是否有利于增强综合国力 C.是否有利于社会主义事业的壮大 D.是否有利于人民生活水平的提高 [判断题]大润发的经营理念:公平清楚,以身作则,数字为纲,绩效为纪。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]向坑槽内运送材料时,坑上坑下应统一指挥,使用( )向下放料。
A.抛掷 B.边坡 C.绳索 D.溜槽 [单项选择]患儿,男,7岁,鼻塞、多脓涕2年,并伴有打鼾。鼻窦及鼻咽部CT示:全组鼻窦炎、腺样体肥大。该患者最合适的治疗是()
A. 立即行手术治疗 B. 行微创手术治疗 C. 保守治疗 D. 腺样体切除+功能性鼻内镜手术 E. 保守治疗无效后行腺样体切除,再行综合治疗 [填空题]CRH1A动车组如果直流环节电压持续上升,超过过压水平即最大限值()_V,IDU将显示直流环节过电压,并命令进行保护性关机如果30分钟内出现3次故障,即要求隔离变流器
A. 有正常的智力水平 B. 能够了解并接受自己 C. 能与他人建立和谐的关系 D. 善于调节与控制情绪 E. 有良好的环境适应用能力 [简答题]计算题:RH处理为什么要挡渣?
[判断题]承力杆打帮桩挖坑时,应采取防止倒杆的措施。使用铁钎时,应注意上方导线。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
{{B}}The Risk of Tanning (日晒){{/B}}
This is just the time of year when the temptation to hit a tanning salon (沙龙) is highest, particularly for women, who make up an estimated 70 percent of tanning customers. With wedding season around the corner, and beach weekends not far off, a lot of women think they need some "healthy color" to look their best. But dermatologists (皮肤专家) say that there is no such thing as a healthy "real" tan. "A tan is essentially an injury to the skin," says Dr. Henry Lim, chairman of the department of dermatology at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. "Tanning is just a reaction by the skin to try and protect itself." While most people know they have to have sunscreen whenever they’re in the sun for more than a few minutes, there’s a lot of confusion about the relative merits and risks of tanning salons. Promoters say tanning machines are healthy because they emit mostly A. About 40 percent of American teens have tried tanning at least once. B. About 47 percent of white American teens have tried tanning repeatedly. C. About 47 percent of American teens have tried tanning repeatedly. D. About 40 percent of white American teens have tried tanning at least once. [填空题]我国外流河以向东注入太平洋为主。怒江注入印度洋,额尔齐斯河注入( )。
[判断题]线芯导体是传导电流的通路,它应有较高的导电性能和较小的线路损耗。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当有刀子、木棒等物刺入腹部时,在急救时应立即拔除,然后再送往医院救治。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 《公安机关人民警察现场制止违法犯罪行为操作规程》主要保护国家、集体以及公民人身财才安全,不包括公安民警的自身安全
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]客户反映的问题或接听电话的第一人为()。
A.受理人 B.客户代表 C.业扩人员 D.首问责任人 [判断题]室内线路线中应尽量减少导线接头,以减少故障点。
[多选题]提高民生保障水平,按照( )的要求,坚守底线、突出重点、完善制度、引导预期,注重机会公平,实现全体人民共同迈入全面小康社会。
A.人人发展 B.人人幸福 C.人人享有 D.人人参与 E.人人尽力 [判断题](468647)( )峰处理参数主要用于确定对色谱峰进行特定的处理方法。((1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]硫化氢气体检测仪的检定周期一般不超过()。
A.A.半年 B.B.1年 C.C.2年 D.D.3年 [多项选择]某直辖市单独编制的城市人防建设规划,直辖市要报( )审批。
A. 直辖市人民政府 B. 国务院 C. 国家人民防空委员会 D. 建设部 E. 直辖市人民防空办公室 [简答题]防止有害气体危害的措施有哪些?
[单选题]站内和行人较多的地段,牵引供电设备支柱在距轨面( )m高处均需设白底黑字“高压危险”并有红色闪电符号的警示标志。
A.1.5 B.2.5 C.3.5 [多项选择]下列有关法律后果、法律责任、法律制裁和法律条文等问题的表述,哪些可以成立?()
A. 任何法律责任的设定都必定是正义的实现 B. 法律后果不一定是法律制裁 C. 承担法律责任即意味着接受法律制裁 D. 不是每个法律条文都有法律责任的规定 [多项选择]运输问题有( )情况。
A. 需求量等于供应量 B. 求量波动很大,供应量波动很小 C. 供应量动很大,需求量波动很小 D. 需求量不等于供应量 [单项选择]泵站的工作压力必须在()MPa以上或按《规程》规定。
A. 10~12 B. 10~15 C. 10~20 D. 15~20 [判断题]二氧化碳灭火器的报废年限为10年。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交