Do people stop once they have achieved something No! In life, we are always trying to do things better or having more of the same success. Jane Fonda moved from being an Academy Award actress to a successful businesswoman. Her aerobics (有氧体操) workout videos have been sold around the world. Athletes are constantly making greater and greater efforts to lower time for races; increase heights or distances. The world of medicine has had its series of successes too. Christian Barnard performed several successful heart transplants. Other medical experts have achieved organ transplants. Throughout the ages, mankind has found treatment and cures for tuberculosis (肺结核), cancer, and other diseases. A cure of AIDS might soon be discovered. Age does not seem to slow down achievers. Tina Turner at 54 is still singing with gre A. directions B. aspects C. lessons D. ambitions [单选题]将鼠标指针移至()上拖曳,即可移动窗口
A.A:格式化栏 B.B:工具栏 C.C:标题栏 D.D:状态栏 [单选题]炼油假定净水中含有的主要污染物是( )。
A.C.OD B.油 C.BOD5 D.SS [单项选择]将白喉毒素用0.4%甲醛处理后成为消除毒性而保留抗原性的物质称为()
A. 抗毒素 B. 类毒素 C. 减毒活菌苗 D. 死菌苗 E. 丙种球蛋白 [简答题]领导者在借助“外脑”时应防止什么问题?
[单项选择]Your company has multiple DNS servers in the main office. You plan to install DNS on a member server in a branch office.You need to ensure that the DNS server in the branch office is able to query any DNS server in the main office, and you need to limit the number of DNS records that are transferred to the DNS server in the branch office. What should you do? ()
A. Configure a secondary zone on the DNS server in the branch office. B. Configure a stub zone on the DNS server in the branch office. C. Configure a stub zone on the DNS server in the main office. D. Configure a primary zone on the DNS server in the branch office. [简答题]复励发电机的端电压在负载变化时变化较小,多应用于要求___的系统中。
[单选题]根据《国家电网公司输变电工程 设计变更与现场签证管理办法》的规定,()负责公司系统输变电工程设计变更与现场签证的归口管理。
A.省公司基建管理部门 B.业主项目部 C.国网基建部 D.建设管理单位 [判断题]HXD1电力机车每节车有2条完全相同的牵引电机通风支路( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Education is compulsory, and free for every child in the United States. Most children start school by the age of six. [单项选择]小儿腹泻等渗性脱水,血钠值应是()
A. 90~110mmol/L B. 110~130mmol/L C. 130~150mmol/L D. 150~160mmol/L E. 160~170mmol/L [不定项选择题]患者男,52岁,吸烟30年,近3个月来常有低热、乏力、消瘦、厌食、干咳,少量咯血,用抗生素和镇咳药未见效果。
A.肺结核 B.支气管内膜结核 C.肺癌 D.支气管哮喘 E.慢性支气管炎 F.支气管扩张 G.肺栓塞 H.肺炎 I.I.胸腔积液 [多选题]现场工作应遵守()和()的规定。
A.工作票 B.操作票 C.二次工作安全措施票 D.标准化作业卡 [单选题]新参加电气工作的人员、实习人员和临时参加劳动的人员(管理人员、非全日制用工等),应经过( )后,方可下现场参加指定的工作,并且不得单独工作。
A. 学习培训 B. 安全知识教育 C. 考试合格 D.电气知识培训 [多项选择]下列属于计算机高级语言的是( )
A. C语言 B. Pascal语言 C. 汇编语言 D. 机器语言 [判断题]《烟草专卖许可证管理办法》(工信部第37号令)规定的期限以工作日计算,遇到法定节假日的,工作日顺延。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列腹水常规检验,哪项结果不符合结核性腹膜炎改变( )
A. 白细胞以中性粒细胞为主 B. 一般细菌培养阴性,浓缩找结核杆菌阳性 C. 李凡他试验阳性 D. 比重>1.018 E. 草黄色 [单选题]整点现金做法错误的是()。
A.整点纸币现金要按卷别平铺逐张整理 B.百张为把,十把为捆,成捆纸币须十字形捆扎 C.每捆在捆扎接头结扣处,贴正粘牢同券别的封签并在封签上加盖日期戳记和带有行号的经办人员名章 D.硬币应按佰枚或伍拾枚为卷,拾卷为捆。每卷加盖带有行号的经办人员名章 [单项选择]卷材屋面的接缝清单工程量( )。
A. 按平方米计算 B. 按延长米计算 C. 按立方米计算 D. 不计算 [单选题]用紫外线灯管消毒物品,下列哪项是错误的
A.照射前应清扫尘埃 B.物品距灯管50~60cm C.灯管用无水乙醇纱布擦拭 D.灯亮开始计时 E.关灯后冷却3~4min再开 [多项选择]原始社会古代人已经能够制作一些较精细的工具,如()
A. 曲针 B. 金属刀 C. 骨针 D. 石镰 E. 砭刀 我来回答: 提交