Today’s worker is no longer willing to work in an authoritarian and dehumanizing environment. Workers want meaning in their work and balance in their lives. They want opportunities to contribute and to know how their work is effective. Employees want to work for organizations that respect them as individuals. 46) They also want to know that they are working for an ethical company that acts in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.
Today, and in the future, companies must design work so that employees can take responsibility and be rewarded appropriately. By changing attitudes and conditions in the workplace, organizations can help make work more meaningful.
Repetitive factory routines and office work that simply moves paper from in-box to out-box are mindless tasks that destroy motivation and productivity. Research has shown that mental challenge is closely related to job satisfaction. 47) Too little challenge in the work, as in complet
InfraGard is a grass roots effort to
respond to the need for cooperation and collaboration in countering the threat
of cyber crime and terrorism to private businesses and the government. By the
end of September, there will be InfraGard chapters in all 50 states, Calloway
said. With advice from the FBI, each local chapter will be run by a board of
directors that includes members of private industry, the academic community and
public agencies. Banks, utilities, and other businesses and government agencies
will use a secure Web site to share information about attempts to hack into
their computer networks. Members can join the system free. A key feature of the
system is a two-pronged method of reporting attacks. A "sanitized" description of a hacking attempt or other incident--one that doesn’t reveal the name or information A. too many corporations take no notice of the security problem of computers B. criminals are sacrificing security for speed and accessibility C. it’s very easy to sacrifice security for speed and accessibility D. many companies suffer from computer hacking because they value speed and accessibility more than security [多选题]党组书记、主要负责人可以分设的情况包括( )。
A.主要负责人不是中共党员 B.主要负责人不愿意担任党组书记的 C.主要负责人因其他情况不宜担任党组书记的 D.主要负责人由上级领导兼任 [单项选择]某建设单位拟建大型商业综合体,建设单位与某监理企业签订了委托监理合同,要求项目监理机构配合、协助招标阶段各项工作,组织人员对招标文件进行编制,按照《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB50500-2013)进行了工程量清单的编制工作。对于任一招标工程量清单项目,当因工程量偏差和工程变更等原因导致工程量偏差超过()以上时,可进行调整。
A. 10% B. 16% C. 15% D. 5% [单选题]下机时的注意事项.错误的是( )
A.先拔出动脉內瘘针 B.压迫穿刺部位2–3分钟 C.用弹力绷带加压包扎动.静脉穿刺部位10–20分钟 D.治疗结束后嘱患者平卧10–20分钟 E.先拔出静脉内瘘针 [单选题]隔离开关分闸操作时,如动触头刚离开静触头时就发生弧光,说法错误的是(____)。
A.应停止操作,报告调度员 B.操作人员在操作隔离开关前,应先判断拉开该隔离开关时是否会产生弧光 C.切断环流时产生弧光是正常现象 D.切断充电电流时产生弧光是正常现象 [单选题]水处理设备中一般配有( )用于供水的生水泵。
A.1台 B.2台 C.3台 D.4台 [多选题]对于刘某在机关外兼职.下列哪些选项是正确的?
A.刘某能在机关外兼职 B.若经过有关机关批准.刘某能兼职兼薪 C.不经批准.刘某不能在机关外兼职 D.因工作需要在机关外兼职.应当经有关机关批准.并不得领取兼职报酬 我来回答: 提交