Importance of
Vitamins{{/B}} Vitamins, which come in many different types all of which are quite diverse in chemical configuration and function, can be any of several organic substances that are separated into water-soluble and fat-soluble groups. Originally defined as organic compounds obtainable in a normal diet and capable of maintaining life and promoting growth, vitamins are differrent from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in function, as well as in the quantities in which organisms require them. So critical are vitamins to a body’s essential strength and health that if they are absent from the diet or not properly absorbed by an organism, a specific deficiency disease may develop. The term vitamin originated from "vitamine," a word fir A. Cilia are tiny extensions of membranes that normally provide help in clearing the membranes. B. The term "cilia" refers to the hair lining of membranes that prevent foreign matter from entering our body. C. The tiny projections in the lining membranes are known as cilia and they block incoming foreign matters. D. Cilia are part of the lining membranes of the mouth and throat, and they help preventing external particles from entering our body. [单选题]暗、明挖隧道和高架结构横向贯通测量中误差为( ),高程贯通测量中误差为( )。
A. ±100mm,±50mm B.±50mm,±25mm C.±50mm,±50mm D.100mm, ±100mm [填空题]将大气压力计算在内的压力叫做( )。
A.手术切除增生牙龈 B.停药或更换其他药物 C.洁治术去除刺激因素 D.药物交替使用 E.用3%过氧化氢溶液冲洗龈袋 [单选题]以下( )是模拟放射治疗设备治疗的几何条件而定出照射部位的放射治疗辅助设备。
A.X射线模拟定位设备 B.CT模拟定位系统 C.MRI模拟定位系统 D.以上都是 [单选题]途中站或到站仅受理( )提出的货物运输一次变更需求。
A.托运人 B.收货人 C.托运人或收货人 D.发站电报 [单选题]氮化物会导致裂化催化剂( )。
A.结构变化 B.暂时性中毒 C.永久性中毒 [单选题]《关于工资总额组成的规定》在性质上属于()。
A.统计法律 B.法规性文件 C.统计行政法规 D.统计基本法 [判断题]当燃油箱里面的燃油泵不工作后会导致发动机缺少燃油而关车。此说法是否正确?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]攀登训练必须严格遵守操作规程,严格检查保护设施,保护人员不得少于2人,且必须时刻保持精力集中,下方应设置缓冲垫。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 在处理火灾情况下建筑物倒塌,搬移建筑构件接近被救人员时,使用破拆工具或移动物品要仔细谨慎,尽量减少对被埋压人员的险情程度,必要时可用手或简易工具翻扒倒塌物件,直至将埋压人员救出。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]都合が( )ければ、行かなくてもいいですよ。
A. わる B. わるい C. よい D. いい [单项选择]根据《金融机构反洗钱规定》的要求,下列职责不是中国人民银行反洗钱局职责范围的是()。
A. 负责人民币和外币反洗钱的资金监测 B. 监督、检查金融机构履行反洗钱义务的情况 C. 在职责范围内调查可疑交易活动 D. 要求金融机构及时补正人民币、外币大额交易和可疑交易报告 [单项选择]关节多次发炎但无破坏和畸形
A. 痛风 B. 风湿性关节炎 C. 类风湿性关节炎 D. 退化性关节炎 E. SLE [多选题] "胆结石按结石组成成分可分为哪几类
A.胆固醇结石 B.黑色素结石 C.棕色结石 D.结晶结石 " [单项选择]《学记》中的“道而弗牵,强而弗抑,开而弗达”指的是现在教学原则中的
A. 巩固性原则 B. 因材施教原则 C. 启发性原则 D. 系统性原则 我来回答: 提交