Unfortunately most of the science
fiction films of the 1970s were not much influenced by 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Skillfully directed by Stanley Kubrick, 2001. which appeared in 1968, set new
standards for science fiction films. During the next decade, every one of the
dozens of science fiction movies released was compared to 2001 , and all but a
few were found sadly lacking. Admittedly, Kubrick had one of the largest budgets ever for a film of this kind, but, in my opinion, much of the movie’s power and appeal was achieved through relatively inexpensive means. For example, the musical score, which was adapted in large part from well-known classical compositions, was reinforced by the use of almost kaleidoscopic visual effects, especially during the space travel sequences. Spectacular camera work was edited to correspond precisely A. He objects to their camera work. B. He does not like their music. C. He believes that their stories are too much alike. D. He criticizes their special effects. [填空题]
A -- Accountant
B -- Announcer ( ) 教练 ( ) 消防员C -- Architect D -- Associate professor E -- Editor in chief F -- Cashier G -- Journalist H -- Dentist I -- Tailor J -- Fireman K -- Hairdresser I -- Butcher M -- Computer programmer N -- Office staff O -- Photographer P -- Fashion designer Q -- Coach [简答题] 每天参加早交班会,在会上向中心汇报本班的生产完成情况及当班生产计划,了解电客车存在的遗留故障和已处理的故障,并根据当天的生产计划对班组成员安排工作,同时接收领导的指示要求。(1.0分)
[单选题]普通钢轨接头,为防止螺栓松动,需要在螺栓上安装( )。
A.螺母 B.套筒 C.防滑设备 D.弹簧垫圈 [简答题]市级储备粮储存年限是多少?
[判断题]要认真观察伤员全身情况,防止伤情恶化。发现伤员意识不清、瞳孔扩大无反映、呼吸、心跳停止时,应该 先通知其他人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肺癌空洞、肺结核空洞、肺脓肿空洞最可靠的鉴别方法是()
A. X线胸片+断层摄影 B. 支气管碘油造影 C. 痰脱落细胞学检查和细菌学检查 D. 胸部超声波探查 E. 胸部CT [单选题] 判断路由好坏的原则不包括:
A.快速收敛性 B.灵活性、弹性 C.拓扑结构的先进性 D.最好路径 [单选题]2A统、380A(统) 车轮直径>840mm时,一级修剥离维修限度( )。
A.长度≤30mm,深度≤0.25mm B.长度≤25mm,深度≤0.25mm C.长度≤30mm,深度≤0.5mm D.长度≤30mm,深度≤0.5mm [填空题]To be (36) in the job interview, you should (37) certain personal and (38) qualities. You need to create a good image in the limited time (39) , usually from 30 to 45 minutes. You must make a (40) impression which the interviewer will remember while he interviews other (41) The following are some qualities you should especially pay attention to during an interview.
First of all, you should take care to appear (42) dressed. The right clothes worn at the right time can win the respect of the interviewer and his confidence in your (43) . (44) . Secondly, you should pay close attention to your manner of speaking since speech is the reflection of personality. (45) . You should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the requirements of the position you are applying for. Finally, to be really impressive, you must convey a sense of self-confidence and enthusiasm for work. (46) < [单选题]塔式起重机顶部高度大于 且高于周围建筑物时,应在塔顶和臂架端部安装红色障碍指示灯。 ( )
A.A、24m B.B、30m C.C、36m D.D、50m [多项选择]以下关于制剂配制的说法正确的是
A. 配制规程和标准操作规程不能随意更改 B. 每批制剂都应编制制剂批号 C. 每批制剂都应有反映各个配制环节的完整记录 D. 新制剂的配制工艺及主要设备应按验证方案进行验证,并有记录 E. 制剂配制应选用纯化水 [单项选择]金黄色葡萄球菌感染,其脓液特点
A. 脓液稀薄、淡黄,量较多 B. 脓液稠厚,黄色,不臭 C. 脓液淡绿,有甜腥味 D. 脓液有特殊恶臭 E. 脓液稠厚有粪臭 我来回答: 提交