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姓名 | 文本 | 20 | [简答题]如何根据新闻主题和公共关系目标,来选择和确定新闻发布会的邀请名单?
A. 按规定着装,仪容仪表严整;主动出示执法证件,表明执法身份;按要求佩戴、使用执法记录仪; B. 按照规定的权限、时限和程序,实施消防行政许可、消防监督检查、火灾事故调查,依法查处消防安全违法行为,确保所有执法活动严格、公正; C. 举止规范,态度和气,用语文明; D. 严格遵守廉政纪律。 [多选题]CR400AF(-A)动车组二级修牵引变流器冷却液检查与补充(时代电气),作业人员用( )检查设备外壳对地电压低于( )V。
A.压力表 B.数字万用表 C.5 D.10 [简答题]Helping the poor, the truly poor, is a much worthier goal than merely narrowing inequalities. If the rich get poorer thanks to high taxation, some people may feel pleased but few are better off. If the poor get richer, however, the whole country will benefit. Focusing resources and policy on poverty would be worthwhile simply on humanitarian grounds. But also, the disadvantages of growing up in extreme poverty pose a challenge to a belief in equality of opportunity. And helping the underclass rejoin society is in the interests of all.
The main task is for governments to provide a proper welfare safety net, to provide and protect public education in the poorest areas, to provide remedial training and schooling, and to provide adequate incentives to help the poor get back into ( or just get into) work through which they can support themselves. Yet today’s many rich individuals can also play a role. [多项选择]广播电视节目按内容性质或功能划分,包括()。
A. 综合节目 B. 特别节目 C. 新闻性节目 D. 专题节目 E. 教育性节目 [单选题]䒕6
对人生态度正确的理解应该是 A.人生态度是人们对待人生较为稳定的心理倾向和基本意愿 B.人生态度就是低层次的人生观 C.人生态度就是人生价值观 D.人生态度就是指人为什么活着 我来回答: 提交