{{B}}Smart Exercise{{/B}} Doctors are starting to find more and more information that suggests a connection between exercise and brain development. Judy Cameron, a scientist at Oregon Health and Science University, studies brain development. According to her research, it seems that exercise can make blood vessels, including those in the brain, stronger and more fully developed. Dr. Cameron claims this allows people who exercise to concentrate better. As she says: "While we already know that exercise is good for the heart, exercise can literally cause physical changes in the brain." The effects of-exercise on brain development can even be seen in babies. Babies who do activities that require a lot of movement and physical activity show greater brain development than babies who are less physically active A. only smart people do exercise. B. exercise can be smart or stupid. C. exercise keeps the brain strong. D. it is fashionable to do exercise. [单项选择]1983年12月1日,商业部通告全国:敞开供应棉布,取消布票。从此,自1954年9月9日开始使用的布票成为了历史文物。这表明①中国已经全面迈向小康社会②政府改变了以行政手段调配资源的做法③中国逐渐由计划经济向市场经济过渡④中国的棉布生产已经出现了供过于求的局面()
A. ①② B. ③④ C. ②③ D. ②③④ [单选题] 题目:滴虫性阴道炎阴道冲洗首选
A.1.%乳酸 B.%乳酸 C.5.%醋酸 D.生理盐水 E.肥皂水 [单项选择]舒张期正向血流速度最大的是()
A. 颈内动脉 B. 颈外动脉 C. 颈总动脉 D. 锁骨下动脉 E. 颈静脉 [单项选择]导致风湿热最常见的病原菌是()
A. 脑膜炎奈瑟菌 B. A组乙型溶血性链球菌 C. 流感嗜血杆菌 D. 肺炎链球菌 E. 金黄色葡萄球菌 [单选题]一个负责监督IT在公司中的使用的高级经理是( )。
A.首席执行官 B.首席财务官 C.CIO D.CTO E.CKO [单项选择]{{B}}Directions:{{/B}}
You will hear three pieces of recorded material. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear each piece once only.
{{B}}Questions 11—13 are based on the following talk about cloning. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11—13.{{/B}}Which country first passed the law banning human cloning
A. The United States B. The United Kingdom C. Switzerland D. Russia [单选题]作业人员、机具(旋转、伸缩功能的机械设备,其最大活动范围)、货物与接触网等牵引供电设备高压带电部分须保持( )米以上距离。
A.1 B.1.5 C.2 D.3 [简答题][问答题]MRA
A.中性粒细胞 B.巨噬细胞 C.嗜酸性粒细胞 D.淋巴细胞及浆细胞 E.肉芽组织中的成纤维细胞 [单选题]张某在某商店看中了一块名贵的手表,但是由于自己经济能力有限,于是他仿造了块外 表看起来一模一样的劣质手表,后来去该商店假装要买这块手表让售货员拿给他看,然后趁售 货员不注意,偷梁换柱。张某构成:
A.诈骗罪 B.盗窃罪 C.侵占罪 D.抢夺罪 [单选题]若配合停电线路属于其他单位,应由检修(施工)单位事先书面申请,经配合线路的设备运维管理单位同意并实施( )。
A.停电 B.接地 C.停电、接地 D.隔离 我来回答: 提交