How men first learned to invent words
is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. (20) {{U}}All we
really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to
express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could
communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs,
called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which
could be written down.{{/U}} Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters,
we call words. The power of words, then, lies in their combinations--the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mea A. is reflected in sounds and letters B. is handed down from generation to generation C. dates back to the prehistoric period D. is a problem not yet solved [单项选择]
The Right Amount of Energy{{/B}}
We all enjoy being around people with energy. They inspire us. They are stimulating, fun, and uplifting. An energetic person has passion in his voice, a bounce in his step, and a smile on his face. Energy makes a person likable, and likability is a key ingredient in persuasive communications. Many business professionals underestimate the energy level required to generate enthusiasm among their listeners. But electrifying speakers bring it. They have an energy that is several levels higher than the people they are attempting to influence. Most business professionals could use an energy boost for public speaking situations such as Webinars, podcasts, staff meetings, conference calls, and television and radio interviews. Each of these opportunities requires a higher level of energy than would normally be appropriate if you were just chatting to someone i A. By underestimating the energy level. B. By estimating an energy scale. C. By undervaluing the energy level. D. By using a lower level of energy. [单项选择]
女孩,7岁,阵发性腹痛6月。查体:左腹部可触及肿块,表面光滑,囊性感。追问病史时有一次大量排尿后肿块缩小后又恢复原状史。 初步诊断是( )A. 腹膜后囊性畸胎瘤 B. 肠系膜囊肿 C. 卵巢囊肿 D. 肾积水 E. 假胰腺囊肿 [多选题]蓄电池车辆的优点有( )。
A.A、对环境污染小 B.B、速度快 C.C、噪音低 D.D、体积小 [多选题]下列哪些案件依法不应公开审理?()
A.张某强奸案 B.审判时15岁的金某故意杀人案 C.王某间谍案 D.当事人谢某提出申请,且有证据证明确实涉及商业秘密的案件 [多项选择]在代理关系中,委托代理关系终止的条件包括( )。
A. 被代理人的法人终止 B. 被代理人取得民事行为能力 C. 被代理人取消委托 D. 代理事项完成 E. 代理期限届满 [单选题]桥面由轨道、作业通道、遮板、()、梁缝伸缩装置、桥面防水层和泄水管等组成。
A.防护墙 B.护轨 C.PVC排水管 D.浆砌水沟 [名词解释]
英译中:Terminal to terminal [简答题]什么原因会使变压器发出异常音响?
[单选题]电子计算机技术在半个世纪中虽有很大进步,但至今其运行仍遵循着一位科学家提出的基本原理。他就是( )。
A.牛顿 B.爱因斯坦 C.爱迪生 D. 冯•诺依曼 [单项选择]一般招标项目中评标专家的确定方式是( )。
A. 招标人直接确定 B. 随机抽取 C. 按次序抽取 D. 固定化 [单选题]按《砌体结构工程施工质量验收规范》GB50203-2011,3.0.11不应在截面长边小于( )m的承重墙体、独立柱内埋设管线。
A.0.3。 B.0.5。 C.0.8。 D.1。 [多选题]在中性点直接接地系统中发生接地故障时,故障点的( )最高,并且向电源侧逐步降低为零。
A.正序电压 B.负序电压 C.零序电压 D.零序功率 [单选题]( )474. 各种至伤因素造成人体组织损伤和功能障碍被称为()。
A.死亡 B.创伤 C.疾病 [单选题]发现道岔尖轨、基本轨、可动心轨、翼轨折断时应( ),进行处理。
A.限速 B.封锁线路 C.申请上道 D.紧急处理 [多选题]行为人( )他人卖淫的,处10日以上15日以下拘留,可以并处5000元以下罚款;情节较轻的,处5日以下拘留或者500元以下罚款。
A.引诱 B.容留 C.介绍 D.强迫 [判断题]卫生间防水材料有可能引起大面积的瓷砖空鼓,因此需要慎重地选择防水材料( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]往来寒热、胸胁苦满、神情默默、不欲饮食、心烦喜呕、脉弦所属的证是()
A. 表证 B. 里证 C. 半表半里证 D. 热证 E. 寒证 [判断题]新产品,是指一切创新性产品,包括全新产品、换代新产品、改进新产品、仿制新产品。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]巷道掘进完毕后,应在通防部门的指挥下及时把风筒全部()。
A. 整理 B. 拆除 C. 正常使用 [判断题]凡实施战斗展开的灭火救援战斗,中队都应当组织简要战评。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 临时用电的施工单位负责人持( )等资料到配送电单位办理许可证。
A. 《电工作业操作证》 B.《中国石化用火作业许可证》(火灾爆炸危险场所) C. 临时用电方案(使用6kV及以上临时电源) D. 施工作业单 [单选题]电气设备火灾时不可以用的灭火器是( )。
A.二氧化碳 B.卤代烷 C.泡沫 [单项选择]下列哪项是小儿伤寒最常见的并发症()
A. 支气管肺炎 B. 中毒性心肌炎 C. 伤寒肝炎 D. 肠出血 E. 肠穿孔 [判断题]石油化工行业的安全工作方针是“安全第一,预防为主,全员动手,综合治理”。
[多选题]煤的种类很多,性质差别很大。按煤形成时间不同可分为( )。
A.焦煤 B.褐煤 C.烟煤 D.无烟煤 [单项选择]心动周期中,室内压升高速率最快的时相是()
A. 心房收缩期 B. 等容收缩期 C. 快速射血期 D. 减慢射血期 E. 快速充盈期 [单选题]进行10kV地电位带电作业时,人身与带电体间的安全距离为( ) m。
A.0.7 B.0.6 C.0.5 D.0.4 [单项选择]What do you think of the man has to do
A. Canada. B. Australia (澳大利亚). C. The United States. [单选题]机器的安全护罩是用来防止下列哪一种情形?( )
A.职工不致被外来物质所上 B.职工身体触及危险转动部份 C.防止杂物走进机器里面 我来回答: 提交