My parents’ house had an attic, the
darkest and strangest part of the building, reachable only by placing a
stepladder beneath the trapdoor, and filled with unidentifiable articles too
important to be thrown out with the trash but no longer suitable to have at
hand. This mysterious space was the memory of the place. After many years all
the things deposited in it became, one by one, lost to consciousness. But they
were still there, we knew, safely and comfortably stored in the tissues of the
house. These days most of us live in smaller, more modem houses or in apartments, and attics have vanished. Even the deep closets in which we used to pile things up for temporary forgetting are rarely designed into new homes. Everything now is out in the open, openly acknowledged and displayed, and whenever we grow tired of a memory, an old chair, a trunkful of old l A. admiration for the new lifestyle B. regret for the loss of the old lifestyle C. a contempt for the new lifestyle D. appreciation for both lifestyles [填空题]In recent years, many countries of the world have been faced with the problem of how to make their workers more productive.
Some experts claim the answer is to make jobs more varied. But do more varied jobs lead to greater productivity There is evidence to suggest that while variety certainly makes the worker’s life more enjoyable, it does not actually make him work harder. As far as increasing productivity is concerned, then, variety is not an important factor. Other experts feel that giving the worker freedom to do his job in his own way is important, and there is no doubt that this is tree. The problem is that this kind of freedom cannot easily be given in the modem factory with its complicated machinery which must be used in a fixed way. Thus while freedom of choice may be important, there is usually very little that can be done to create it. Another important consideration is how much each worker contributes to the product he is making. In most factories, the [单选题]施工现场总配电箱中漏电保护器额定漏电动作电流IΔ和额定漏电动作时间TΔ的选择要求是( )。
A.IΔ>30mA,TΔ=0.1s B.IΔ=30mA,TΔ>0.1s C.IΔ>30mA,TΔ>0.1s D.IΔ>30mA,TΔ>0.1s,IΔ•TΔ≤30mA•s [判断题]126. 毕业生凭毕业证可买一次学生票。( )《客规》
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对于被挖掘而露出的电缆应加装保护罩,需要悬吊时,悬吊间距应不大于2m。工程结束覆土前,运维人员应检查电缆及相关设施是否完好,安放位置是否正确,待恢复原状后,方可离开现场。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Clark根据恶性黑色素瘤肿瘤浸润深度对病变进行了组织学分类,以下描述错误的是()。
A. Ⅰ度为病变局限于表皮内 B. Ⅱ度为侵犯至真皮乳头 C. Ⅲ度为侵犯至真皮乳头与网状层交界处 D. Ⅳ度为病变局限于网状层 E. Ⅴ度为病变达皮下组织 [多项选择]小额支付业务录入错误,由原录入柜员通过交易进行取消处理,取消普通贷记业务后,资金不会转至()。
A. 客户帐 B. 91平账器 C. 92平帐器 D. 内部专户 [单项选择]某企业因自营建造工程(建筑物),需要领用本单位生产的电机一台,生产成本为50000元(其中耗用材料40000元)。电机对外销售价格55000元,企业生产的电机及其耗用的材料适用增值税率均为17%,企业应作的会计处理为( )。
A. 借:在建工程——自营工程 50000 B. 借:在建工程——自营工程 56800 C. 借:在建工程——自营工程 58500 D. 借:在建工程——自营工程 59350 [填空题]出现可能危及行车安全的事件时,应按( )的原则处置。
A.不得超过1次 B.不得超过2次 C.无需重新制作《临时查封决定书》 D.可以多次循环,直至火灾隐患整改完毕。 [多选题]王女士,顺产后5天,母乳喂养,母儿无异常情况,今日出院。护士给予出院指导,下列内容哪些是正确的( )
A.保持合理均衡的营养 B.尽早采取口服避孕药避孕,防止意外怀孕 C.告知产妇产后2个月携婴儿来本院进行健康检查 D.尽早做产后康复操,促进腹壁及盆底肌肉张力的恢复 E.勿过早从事体力劳动 [单选题]王某是一起放火案的犯罪嫌疑人,公安机关将王某拘传,对其进行了连续2日的讯问。下列做法错误的是( )。
A.未经传唤,直接拘传 B.拘传未报请人民检察院批准 C.拘传未通知王某家属 D.讯问时间长至2日 [单选题]在按照有关法律法规开展客户侧用电检查(反窃查违)现场作业时,可不执行( )制度,由供电方许可人许可后,即可开展用电检查(反窃查违)相关工作。
A.“双许可” B.许可 C.工作票 D.告知 [单项选择]炎症最具特征性的变化是()
A. 变质 B. 渗出 C. 增生 D. 出血 [多选题]下列选项中属于元朝立国后颁布的封建成文法典是( )。
A.《大札撒》 B.《至元新格》 C.《大元通制》 D.《元典章》 [单选题]
下列属于当代中国法的正式渊源的是()。 A.习惯 B.法理学说 C.制定法 D.判例 [填空题]路用列车或施工机械进入施工地段时,应在施工防护人员显示的停车于信号前停车,根据施工负责人的要求,按____,进人指定地点。
[单选题]在单效蒸发器内,将某物质的水溶液自浓度为5%浓缩至25%(皆为质量分数)。每小时处理2 吨原料液。溶液在常压下蒸发,沸点是373K(二次蒸汽的汽化热为2260kJ/kg)。加热蒸汽的温度为403K,汽化热为2180kJ/kg。则原料液在沸点时加入蒸发器,加热蒸汽的消耗量是( )。
A.1960kg/h B.1660kg/h C.1590kg/h D.1.04kg/h [单项选择]最常见的妇科恶性肿瘤是( )
A. 子宫内膜癌 B. 卵巢癌 C. 宫颈癌 D. 子宫肉瘤 E. 外阴癌 [单项选择]下列不属于客户主营业务的演变的是( )。
A. 行业转换型 B. 产品转换型 C. 市场转换 D. 技术变换型 [单选题]暖通空调系统基本上采用集散控制技术,系统节能效率达()
A. 5%~10% B. 10%~20% C. 10%~30% D. 3%~50% [判断题]在办理涉及群众事务时刁难群众、吃拿卡要的,将受到党纪处分( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]当晶体三极管作为开关元件,在导通的状态下,其内部有()关系成立。
A. 发射结处于反向偏置 B. 基电结处于正向偏置 C. 发射结处于正向偏置 D. 集电结处于正向偏置 E. 集电结处于反向偏置 [单项选择]建设环境友好型社会,就是要以环境承载力为基础,以遵循自然规律为准则,以绿色科技为动力,倡导()和生态文明,构建经济社会环境协调发展的社会体系,实现可持续发展。
A. 绿色文化 B. 生态文化 C. 先进文化 D. 环境文化 我来回答: 提交