Lisa | Sasha | Olaf | |
Reading | too interesting | 1. | 2. |
Essays | hand writing word limit | 3. | Plagiarism |
Lectures | 4. | 5. | x |
Seminars | 6. | 7. | 8.
[单项选择]In foreign trade, it is ideal that the seller delivers the goods conforming to the contract in respect of quality, specification, quantity and packing, and hands over the documents concerning the goods at the right time and place stipulated in the contract. And the buyer makes payment for the goods and takes delivery of them in the same manner specified in the contract. However, there always exists a gap between ideal and reality. Complaints or claims may sometimes arise in spite of our well-planned and careful work in the performance of a sales contract. In practice, it is not infrequent that the exporter or the importer neglects or fails to perform any of his obligations, thus giving rise to breach of contract and various trade disputes, which, subsequently, leads to claim, arbitration, or even litigation.
Breach of contract means the refusal or failure by a party to a contract to fulfill an obligation imposed on him under that contract, resulting from, e. g., repudiation of lia A. arbitration B. litigation C. claim D. negotiation [单选题]6-8 个制动单元失效 ,列车限速( )km/h。(适用于01-05车)
A.25 B.40 C.60 D.80 [填空题]划线时应以()基准为划线基准。
远程费控具有电费()、余额不足提醒、欠费及时停电、交费方便快捷四大功能。 A.实时测算 B.每月测算 C.每日测算 D.自动测算 [多项选择]子宫内膜癌需与下列哪几种疾病鉴别
A. 子宫内膜异位症 B. 宫颈癌 C. 绝经过渡性功血 D. 老年性阴道炎 E. 原发性输卵管癌 [填空题]通过对被试的日记、作文、试卷等活动成果来研究心理活动的方法被称为()或()。
A.工作票 B.事故紧急抢修单 C.施工作业票 D.工作任务单 [单选题]B-C-A-013 4 2 1
瓦斯脱液罐内设置( ),以脱除瓦斯中的液相。 A. 过滤器 B. 破沫网 C. 水斗 D. 冷却器 [单项选择]反映红细胞体积差别程度大小的指标是()
A. RDW B. PDW C. MCHC D. MPV E. MCV [单选题]加压粘贴式堵漏工具用于各种管道、容器的法兰垫、盘根、管壁、罐体、阀门等部位的点状、线状和蜂窝状泄漏时堵漏。各种工具配套使用可形成八个组套,即1-8号工具,1号工具为( )。
A. 阀体堵漏器 B.带式加压堵漏器 C.移动法兰顶压器 D.活动法兰顶压器 [单选题]行政机关申请人民法院强制执行,不缴纳申请费。强制执行的费用由( )承担。
A.行政机关 B.申请人 C.人民法院 D.被执行人 [单选题]存在建筑倒塌风险的事故现场,警戒区域半径不小于建筑物高度的多少倍?
A.1倍 B.1.5倍 C.2倍 D.3倍 [简答题]我是你十亿分之一,
[填空题]路局各类专项应急预案原则上至少每( )年由应急预案编制部门牵头组织进行一次应急演练。(应急处置-西铁办函〔2016〕388号第二十二条)
A. 应是执业药师 B. 应具有药师(含)以上技术职称 C. 应具有药士(含)以上技术职称 D. 应具有高中(含)以上文化程度 E. 应具有药师以上技术职称,或具有中专(含)以上药学或相关专业的学历 [简答题]如何干燥微量水分测定仪?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我国坚持走和平发展道路,促进世界共同发展。在处理国际关系和外交关系方面的首要是
A. 多边外交 B. 发展中国家 C. 大国 D. 周边国家 我来回答: 提交