The Visa Office,
Enclosed is my completed application form for an entry visa to enable Professor Smith, the head of the delegation, to visit Singapore.
Professor Smith will be leaving Hong Kong on 5th May for a business tour of the southeastern Asia and, subject to issue of the necessary visa, proposes to arrive in Singapore on 8th or 9th May and to stay for about seven days, and then he will leave for Kuala Lumpur ( 吉隆坡).
The purpose of Professor Smith’s visit to Singapore is to join the Annual Conference. He intends to visit departments of philosophy and education. We would guarantee Professor’s financial security during his stay in Singapore and payment of all expenses he may incure(招致).
I enclose the following supporting documents:
(1) Professor Smith’s passport.
(2)A cheque for the visa fee of $ 100.
(3) A registered stamped, addressed envelope for return of the passport.
Should you require any
Where do pesticides fit into the
picture of environmental disease We have seen that they now pollute soil,
water, and food, that they have the power to make our streams fishless and our
gardens and woodlands silent and birdless. Man, however much he may like to {{U}} (26) {{/U}} the Contrary, is part of nature. Can he {{U}} (27) {{/U}} a pollution that is now so thoroughly {{U}} (28) {{/U}} throughout our world We know that even single exposures to these {{U}} (29) {{/U}}, if the amount is large enough, can cause extremely severe {{U}} (30) {{/U}}. But this is not the major problem. The sudden illness of death of farmers, farm workers, and others {{U}} (31) {{/U}} to sufficient quantities of pesticides are very sad and should not {{U}} (32) {{/U}}. For the population as a {{U}} (33) {{/U}}, we must be {{U}} (34) {{/U}} con A. less B. more C. farther D. further [单项选择]关于项目财务评价中的项目建设期与项目进度计划中的建设工期的关系,下列论述错误的是( )。
A. 建设期的确定应综合考虑项目复杂程度等因素,并与建设工期相协调 B. 建设期与建设工期的终点相同,但起点可能有差异 C. 对于既有项目法人项目,建设期可能小于建设工期 D. 对于新设项目法人项目,建设期可能大于建设工期 [多选题]配电网是由(____)、无功补偿器及一些附属设施等组成的,在电力网中起重要分配电能作用的网络。
A. 架空线路 B. 电缆 C. 杆塔 D. 配电变压器 E. 隔离开关 [单项选择]下列项目负债筹资方式中,()的特点是利率较低(年利率一般为2%~4%),期限较长(一般为20~30年,最长可达50年),但数额有限。
A. 国际货币基金组织贷款 B. 外国政府贷款 C. 世界银行贷款 D. 亚洲开发银行贷款 [单选题]值班电调下达的倒闸和作业命令,除遇有危及人身、行车和设备安全的紧急情况外,均必须有()和(),
A.调度编号、批准时间 B.命令编号、作业时间 C.调度编号、作业时间 D.命令编号、批准时间 E.— [判断题]违反有关规定办理因私出国(境)证件、前往港澳通行证,或者未经批准出入国(边)境,情节严重的,给予留党察看处分。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]月经的发生是由于()
A. 雌激素急剧减少 B. 孕激素急剧减少 C. 雌、孕激素均急剧减少 D. FSH、LH急剧减少 E. 促性腺激素急剧减少 [单项选择]初步将志贺菌从肠道杆菌中鉴别出来的生化反应方法是?()
A. 培养基中加亚碲酸钾 B. 菊糖发酵试验 C. 尿素分解试验 D. 胆汁溶解试验 E. 半固体双糖含铁培养基接种试验 [单选题] 当已发出的证书需要修改时,下列做法中,正确的是()
A.通知用户,请用户自行修改 B.将原证书收回,在原证书中修改并盖章后重新发出 C.按原证书号重新出具一份正确的证书,并声明代替原证书和原证书作废 D.重新出具一份正确的证书,新证书重新编号,并声明代替原证书和原证书作废 [单选题]防高温手套的耐热温度为( )℃。
A.450 B.900 C.1200 D.2000 [单选题] 开关柜合闸在额定电压的85%~110%范围内应可靠动作,分闸在额定电压的65%~110%(直流),应可靠动作,当低于额定电压的()%时,脱扣器不应脱扣。
A.20 B.25 C.30 D.35 我来回答: 提交