M: Good afternoon. Welcome aboard.
W: I’ve got seat A6. I hope it’s by a window so that I can see the view.
The National Trust in Britain, together
with similar voluntary organizations, plays an increasingly important part in
the preservation for public enjoyment of the best that is left unspoiled of the
British countryside. Although the Trust has received practical and moral support
from the government, it is not a rich government, supported by public taxes. It
is a voluntary association of people who care for the unspoiled countryside and
the ancient sites to preserve them for the permanent enjoyment of the public. It
is a charity, which depends for its existence on voluntary support from members
of the public. It has 160,000 members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland who
pay a small subscription each year, and its primary duties are to protect the
places of great natural beauty and historical interest and preserve them from
the da A. They are under the threat of modern technology. B. Less and less support is got for their repair and maintenance. C. Heavy taxation and estate duty caused their being deserted. D. They are more dynamic, vigorous and valuable than before. [填空题]The Geodesic Dome (圆顶层) — the House of the Future
R. Buckminster Fuller spent much of the early 20 th century looking for ways to improve human shelter by applying modern technological know-how to shelter construction, making shelter more comfortable and efficient, and more economically available to a greater number of people. After acquiring some experience in the building industry and discovering the traditional practices and perceptions which severely limit changes and improvements in construction practices, Fuller carefully examined and improved interior structure equipment, including the toilet, the shower, and the bathroom as a whole. He studied structure shells, and devised a number of alternatives, each less expensive, lighter, and stronger than traditional wood, brick, and stone buildings. In 1944, the United States suffered a serious housing shortage. Government officials knew that Fuller had developed a prototype of family dwelling which could be [判断题]半自动闭塞区段,当列车从邻站出发后5分钟,驻站联络员还未接到现场防护员报告下道完毕时,立即以警告方式提醒现场防护员。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]激光切割用的割炬必须满足气体喷射的方向和反射镜的光轴同轴。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]观察目的性差是幼儿观察力发展的特点之一。
A.燥湿利水 B.益气平喘 C.祛痰止咳 D.消暑解毒 E.益肾强腰 [单项选择]当土的湿度、土质及其他地质条件较好且地下水位低于基坑或管沟底面标高,挖方深度在()以内可放坡开挖不加支撑。
A. 1m B. 7m C. 10m D. 5m [单选题] ( )属于变配电所的一次设备。[1.0分]
A.电箱 B.控制电源开关 C.隔离开关 [单选题]PowerPoint演示文稿的扩展名是( )
A.ppt B.pot C.pps D.ppw [单项选择]花粉类药物煎煮时宜()
A. 先下 B. 后下 C. 同时下 D. 包煎 [单项选择]对某单位进行膳食调查,该单位工作为轻体力劳动,男女人数各半。调查结果人均日摄入能量为2400kcal,脂肪为840kcal,维生素B10.8mg。其中脂肪能量与维生素B1分别是
A. 合适、合适 B. 过低、过低 C. 过高、过低 D. 过低、过高 E. 过高、过高 [多项选择]在解决国际民商事争议时,ADR方式开始被广泛地采用并受到重视。以下解决方式中,属于ADR方式的是:
A. 中国某工程公司与美国某集团在履行工程承包合同中就工程价款问题发生争议,在经过多次激烈的磋商之后双方达成一致意见 B. 中国某进出口公司在与德国一外贸商就进口货物的质量问题发生争议后,依照双方在签订合同时达成的书面协议向北京调解中心申请调解 C. 中国某企业与英国某公司签订融资租赁合同时约定:如在合同履行中发生争议,应友好协商解决,如协商不能解决时,应提交冲国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会解决 D. 中国山东某公司与法国某海运公司订立租船合同,约定如双方就合同履行发生争议,应提交青岛海事法院解决。其后果然发生争议,双方诉至法院并在法院的主持下达成调解协议 [单选题]依据《安全生产法》的规定,生产、经营、储存、 使 用危险物品的车间、商店、仓库不得与员工宿舍在( ) 内,并应当与员工宿舍保持安全距离。
A.同一座建筑物 B.同一楼层 C.同一街道 [多选题] 离心泵的H-Q(扬程与流量)曲线有( )曲线。
A.单调下降形扬程 B.平坦形扬程 C.驼峰形扬程 D.单调上升形扬程 [多选题]"集装箱数量指标有( )。
A.发送箱、到达箱 B.发送吨、到达吨 C.集装箱周转时间 D.集装箱保有量" [单选题]下列属于事故预防措施的有( )。
A.违章指挥 B.严禁违章操作 C.违反劳动纪律 D.管理混乱,制度不严 [单选题] 高速行驶造成燃料经济性变差的主要原因是( )。
A.发动机转速过高 B.燃料供给过多 C.滚动阻力增大 D.空气阻力增大 [单项选择] Edwin Hubble
Edwin Hubble changed our ideas about the universe and how it developed. The work of few other scientists changed our understanding of 【51】 suddenly. He made his most important discoveries in the 1920s. Today, other scientists continue the work he began back then. Edwin Powell Hubble was born in 1889 in Marshfield, Missouri. He 【52】 his early years in the state of Kentucky. Then he moved with his family to Chicago, Illinois. He attended the University of Chicago, taking mathematics and astronomy 【53】 his specialty.
As a student, Hubble was also a member of the University’’s basketball team and an excellent boxer. Several people urged him 【54】 for the world heavy weight boxing championship after college. Instead he decided to continue his 【55】 .
In his first observations from Mount Wilson, California, Hubble used a telescope with one-hundred fifty-two and began 【56】 more and more distant objects. His first great discovery was
A. the universe B. universes C. galaxies D. distant objects [多选题]配电箱、开关箱应装设在干燥、通风及常温场所,不得装设在有严重损伤作用的( ) 及其他有害介质中。
A.蒸汽 B.瓦斯 C.烟气 D.水气 E.潮气 [单项选择]过敏性紫癜()
A. D-二聚体升高 B. 纤维蛋白原降低 C. 凝血酶原时间缩短 D. 出血时间延长 E. 血小板计数减少 我来回答: 提交