In the world of climate change, it is
in the Earth’s Cold regions where trends can most easily be seen. The
cryosphere, where water is found in solid form, is among the most sensitive
regions to temperature change. The sensitivity of ice and snow to temperature changes is an early indicator of even relatively small differences, says University of Colorado at Boulder senior researcher Richard Armstrong. He has found that today’s receding and thinning sea ice, mountain glacier mass losses, decreasing snow extent, melting permafrost (永久冻土), and rising sea level are all consistent with warming. Global mean temperatures have risen one degree Fahrenheit over the past 100 years, with more than half of the increase occurring in the last 25 years, observes Armstrong who is affiliated with the National Snow and Ice Data Center headq A. slight changes in global mean temperature are insignificant B. the amounts of snow and ice around the world began to decrease in the 1990s C. the past 100 years witnessed the greatest rise in global mean temperature in human history D. the global mean temperature increased more than 0.5 degree Fahrenheit in the last 25 years [填空题]清代剧作家()的传奇《长生殿》描写了唐明皇和杨贵妃悲欢离合的爱情故事。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]三级医院血液透析室的负责人应当由具备()以上专业技术职务任职资格的执业医师担任。
A. 初级 B. 中级 C. 副高 D. 正高 [多选题]受限空间救援存在( )的安全风险
A.缺氧、窒息、中毒 B.二次坍塌、滑坡 C.进入、逃生困难 D.通信不畅风险 [简答题]北欧的哪一个国家以峡湾闻名,有“峡湾国家”之称?
[多项选择]根据《建设工程勘察设计企业资质管理规定》,我国建设工程勘察资质分为工程勘察( )资质。
A. 专项 B. 专业 C. 行业 D. 综合 E. 劳务 [判断题]证券组合的相关系数的一个重要特征为其取值范围大于-1小于1。( )
[判断题]热气溶胶预制灭火系统不应设置在人员密集场所、应爆炸危险的场所及有超洁净要求的场所。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]为了建立LIS系统,依据基于事实的决策方法的原则,下列哪种说法是错误的()
A. 明确LIS建立的理由 B. 对目前以有的LIS系统进行全面的评估分析 C. 直接引进市场较常用的LIS系统 D. 与信息中心共同研究实施方案 E. 对于拟实施的方案进行评估 [简答题]非结构观察法
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