Agriculture is undoubtedly the most important
sector in the economies of most non-oil exporting African countries. It
{{U}} (62) {{/U}} about 30% of Africa’s GDP and contributes {{U}} (63)
{{/U}} 50% of the total export value, {{U}} (64) {{/U}}
70% of the continent’s population depending on the sector for their
{{U}} (65) {{/U}}. Production is subsistence in nature with a high
{{U}} (66) {{/U}} on the rain. The debate on climate change and its
impacts on agriculture is {{U}} (67) {{/U}} very crucial to the very
survival of the continent and its people. The continent is particularly
{{U}} (68) {{/U}} to climate change because it includes some of the
world’s poorest nations. The climate in Africa is {{U}} (69) {{/U}} tropical in nature, which is broadly {{U}} (70) {{/U}} into three main climatic zones: {{U}} (71) {{/U}} equatori A. production B. technology C. capacity D. ability [单项选择]锅炉体外侧有保温层,内有耐火砖,是为了减小()。
A. 导热系数 B. 放热系数 C. 传热系数 D. 换热面积 [单选题]末端试水装置,应有()的排水设施。
A. 排水能力 B. 足够排水能力 C. 可以排水 D. 重力流淌 [判断题]《动车组列车服务质量规范》规定,餐饮经营符合有关审批、安全规定,证照齐全有效。食品经营单位的食品安全管理制度健全。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]脑出血的好发季节是()。
A. 春季 B. 夏季 C. 秋季 D. 冬季 E. 无明显季节 [多选题]多级账簿功能开通后系统自动生成()。( )
A.一级账簿 B.待清分账簿 C.有权机关扣款待调整账簿 D.非有权机关扣款待调整账簿 [多选题]疏散物资必须在单位负责人或者技术人员的配合下有序进行,要科学确定()和(),避免现场车辆、人员交织形成不安全因素。
A. 疏散工具 B.疏散进出线路 C. 疏散物资重要程度 D.疏散物资先后顺序 [单项选择]医疗责任事故包括下述情形,除了()
A. 遇复杂难题不执行上级医师指导,擅自处理造成过失 B. 擅离职守,贻误诊治时机而造成过失 C. 上级医师接到下级医师报告后不及时处理造成过失 D. 由于相应职称的一般水平,能力不足而造成的过失 E. 抢救时延误治疗而造成过失 [单项选择]患者,男,尿频,尿急,茎中热痛,尿色黄浊,尿末或大便时有白浊溢出,会阴、腰骶、睾丸有明显的胀痛不适,舌红苔黄根腻,脉弦滑。诊为慢性前列腺炎,其证候是
A. 湿热壅阻 B. 肝肾不足 C. .肾阳不足 D. 阴虚火动 E. 气滞血瘀 [单选题]空中交通管制单位在批复临时性飞行任务时,对临时性任务()。
A.不批复意味着同意,可以飞行 B.不论是否同意其飞行计划,都应当及时批复,未经批复不得飞行 C.在预计起飞前5小时批复,批复后方可飞行 D.如果在规定的时间内未收到批复,视为该计划以被批准 [单项选择]The video game poses a world—a much simpler world than our own, where success is very clearly defined and, for a time, clearly attainable. Through practice, a player can control this world for a while. He can escape from the anxieties of real life into a place where his own actions always count, where he can be a hero. When the game is over, he hasn’t lost or been beaten. Is a surfer beaten when he flies from a wave
Most video games call for some semblance of hand-eye coordinatiofi, and some hospitals are now using them in recovery programs for brain-damaged patients. It has been found that some patients who were otherwise thought to be unreachable have been brought out, through their use. Moreover experimental research is now being conducted regarding the feasibility of video games as a test for drunken driving. The drunken act to slow reaction time and impair coordination and nowhere is this kind of impairment more measurable than on the video game playfield. Some day a poor A. video games create a world which reflect our real life B. most video games are helpful rather than harmful to people C. more research should be done regarding the benefits of video games D. video games mirror a balance between reality and our own wishes [单项选择]中国证监会2008年10月31日对《公开发行证券的公司信息披露规范问答第1号》进行了修订,其主要针对()。
A. 非经常性损益 B. 收购兼并信息 C. 会计政策和会计估计 D. 报表 [单选题]下列神经中分布到臀部皮肤的是 ( )
A.股后皮神经 B.坐骨神经的分支 C.股外侧皮神经 D.髂腹下神经外侧皮支 E.髂腹股沟神经外侧皮支 [单选题] 伪造、复制或纂改执照或合格证的行为,局方或授权方可视情节轻重,给予警告,暂扣执执照或合格证( )或吊销执照或合格证的处罚。
A. 1到6个月 B. 1到3个月 C. 3到6个月 [单项选择]京剧化妆属于()范畴。
A. 戏剧 B. 戏曲 C. 影视 D. 歌剧 [单选题]如遇监测装置真实告警,应组织()并报技术备案:()
A.初步分析和处置 B.现场检修 C.编写分析报告 D.确定异常设备跟踪处理措施 [填空题]我国最早使用“课程”一词的是( )。
A. 越低 B. 越高 C. 不变 D. 与牌号没有关系 [单选题]小量咯血为每日咯血量在:
A.20ml以内 B.50ml以内 C.100ml以内 D.200ml以内 我来回答: 提交