When doctors need information about what does of medication to prescribe, they usually consult a fat navy-blue book called The Physicians’ Desk Reference, or PDR, an extensive compilation of data about drugs form their manufacturers. But the doses recommended in the PDR may be too high for many people and may cause adverse reactions, ranging from dizziness trod nausea all the way to death, according to an article published last month in the journal {{I}}Postgraduate Medicine{{/I}}.
For many drugs—including Viagra, Prozac and some medicines used to treat high blood pressure, allergies, insomnia and high cholesterol—smaller doses would work just as well, With far less risk of bad reactions, said Jay Cohen, the author of the article.
"Side effects drive a lot of people out of treatment that they need," Dr. Cohen said, nothing that people with chronic conditions like high blood pressure, headaches and depression often gave up trying to trea
A. drug companies are not responsible for its drugs
B. medical doctors should not follow PDR mechanically
C. Dr. Cohen is a sceptic
D. side effect should not be neglected
Effective Job Descriptions{{/B}} A job description describes the major areas of an employee’s job or position. A good job description begins with a careful{{U}} (19) {{/U}}of the important facts about a job, such as the individual tasks{{U}} (20) {{/U}}the methods used to complete the tasks, the purpose and responsibilities of the job, the{{U}} (21) {{/U}}of the job to other jobs, and the{{U}} (22) {{/U}}needed for the job. It’s important to{{U}} (23) {{/U}}a job description practical by keeping it dynamic, functional, and current. Don’t get stuck with an A. researching B. developing C. advertising D. thinking [多选题]负荷监控系统远程监控的方式有哪些?( )
A.遥感 B.遥测 C.遥控 D.遥信 [填空题]在版式图形设计中,运用()能使图形互为烘托、映衬,增强表现力。
[判断题]一相绕组的匝间短路属于高压电动机的故障。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]工程车调动电客车时,不足3人禁止作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在某一天对某一浓水平血糖质控品进行重复检测4次,其测定结果分别为5.2mmo1/L、5.3mmol/L、5.4mmol/L,其极差(R)为()
A. 0.1mmol/L B. 0.2mmol/L C. 0.0mmol/L D. 0.3mmol/L E. 0.4mmol/L [多选题]工程定额按照主编单位和管理权限分类为( )。
A.预算定额 B.全国统一定额 C.行业统一定额 D.地区统一定额 E.企业定额 [单选题]第五套人民币1999年版()面额纸币采用了横竖双号码。
A.100元、50元; B.50元、20元; C.100元、10元; D.20元、1元。 [填空题]()、()、()是构成肥料的三要素。
A.有效判断 B.便于操作 C.合法合规 D.公平公正 [单项选择]保留在岩层中的恐龙的脚爪印记属于沉积岩的()。
A. 层理构造 B. 层面构造 C. 底面构造 D. 变形构造 [单选题]
人们自己创造自己的历史,因此历史发展的方向是由人自觉选定的,这是()。 A.历史唯物主义的观点 B.宿命论观点 C.唯意志论观点 D.机械唯物主义观点 [单项选择]在石膏模型上制作后堤区时,最宽处的宽度为 ()
A. 1mm B. 3mm C. 5mm D. 8mm E. 10mm [简答题]简述质量体系认证的程序。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]棘轮紧线器各连接部位出现松动或钢丝绳有断丝、锈蚀、退火等情况时禁止使用。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]FMS线系统控制柜到小车间编码器线长要保证在多少米以内()
A. 30米 B. 50米 C. 80米 D. 100米 [单选题]根据《人力资源和社会保障窗口单位服务规范(试行)》,以下表述不正确的是( )
A.对各类服务对象坚持公平公正、一视同仁 B.对距离较远、往返困难的服务对象,可开辟绿色通道 C.各类政策解读、业务咨询等不得含有虚假误导成分 D.涉及办理收费、选择性项目时,无需履行告知义务 [简答题]烟气系统是由哪些设备构成的?
[填空题]In the author’s opinion, Brazil’s President Lula da Silva and his government lay emphasis on economic growth and environment conservation still comes second to economic development.
下面短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原位置,发恢复文章原貌。 The Value of Motherhood In shopping malls, the assistants try to push you into buying "a gift to thank her for her unselfish love". When you log onto(登录到)website, a small pop-up(弹出式菜单) invites you to book a bouquet(花 束) for her.{{U}} (46) {{/U}} The American version of Mother’s Day was thought up as early as 1905, by Anna Jarvis, as a way of recognizing the real value of motherhood. The popularity of Mother’s Day around the world suggests that Jarvis got all she wanted. In fact, she got more — enough to make her horrified. {{U}} (47) {{/U}}They buy, among other things, 132 million cards. Mother’s Day is the No.1 holiday for flower purchases. Then there are the various commodities, ranging from jewelry and clothes to cosmetics and washing powder, that take advantage of the promotion opportunities. Because of this, Jarvis spen [单项选择]下列各方除哪项外均用生姜()
A. 真武汤 B. 小建中汤 C. 温经汤 D. 防己黄芪汤 E. 小青龙汤 [单项选择]In England recently three foreign gentlemen approached a bus stop. About five minutes later the bus they wanted came along. They prepared to board it. Suddenly there was a clamor behind them. People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way. Someone shouted insulting remarks about foreigners. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreign gentlemen looked puzzled and embarrassed. No one had told them about the British custom of queuing for a bus so that the first person who arrived at a bus stop is the first person it get on the bus.
Learning the language of a country isn’t enough. If you want to ensure a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible about the manners and customers of your hosts. You will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own. A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there consider it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table. The le A. it is considered dirty B. it symbolizes something unlucky C. it is supposed to be used for shaking hands with a friend D. it signifies disagreement 我来回答: 提交