[单项选择]在我国新疆、内蒙古等地一些偏远农村居民的躯干、四肢皮肤发生色素沉着和脱色斑点,伴有周围神经炎症状,患者的手掌和脚跖皮肤过度角化,甚至发展到四肢和躯干,严重者可发展成皮肤癌。调查发现,当地居民饮用的井水中某种化学物质含量过高。该种地方性疾病很可能是 A. 硒中毒 B. 砷中毒 C. 氟中毒 D. 镍中毒 E. 铊中毒
[单项选择]患儿,7岁。5天前开始发热,咳嗽,近2日尿少、水肿。体检:体温37.8℃,眼睑及下肢水肿,咽部充血,血压12/8kPa(90/60mmHg),心、肺正常,尿常规:蛋白(++),红细胞5~8个/HP,各项血化验暂未出结果。入院第3天该病儿血压19/13kPa(150/100mmHg),水肿重,尿量明显减少,呼吸困难不能平卧,心率:140次/分,心音低钝,肝肋下2cm,X线胸片:肺纹理增强,该患儿可能出现() A. 肺炎、心衰 B. 高血压脑病 C. 肾衰竭 D. 循环充血 E. 支气管炎 F. 高血压危象
[多项选择]急性和严重型再障的治疗正确的是 A. HLA配型相合的同种异基因骨髓移植 B. 抗胸腺细胞球蛋白15mg/(kg·d)加氢化可的松同时静脉点滴,疗程5天 C. 抗淋巴细胞球蛋白15mg/(kg·d)加地塞米松同时静脉点滴,疗程5天 D. 抗胸腺细胞球蛋白加地塞米松同时静脉点滴,疗程5天 E. 环孢菌素A5~10mg/(kg·d)口服,需要长期维持治疗
[填空题]One of the strangest things about dispute over advertising is that the greater the fuss the much of a mystery the industry itself seems to become. Advertising is a passionate area. It seems to affect those who attack it and those who defend it in remarkable similar ways. (1) ______ Before long both are exhibiting the same compulsive urge to overstate their case to that it is difficult to believe that the critics and the defenders of advertising are even arguing for the same thing. But (2) ______ just as it seemed sensible for us to regard advertising without go to (3) ______ either extreme, so it also seemed logical to try and find as coldbloodedly as if we could, what advertising in the Britain of the sixties (4) ______ really was. We knew that they consumed around $ 950 million a year, or (5) ______ roughly 2 percent of the national income. W