A $54m lawsuit over a pair of
pinstriped trousers that went missing from a Washington, DC, cleaners was thrown
out by a judge this week. It had attracted worldwide ridicule. The fact that the
case was brought, not by a random loony, but by a former judge has added to the
sense that something is wrong not just with America’s litigation laws, but with
the kind of men and women Americans choose to sit in judgment over
them. A whole series of judicial misdemeanors, ranging from the titillating to the outrageous, has emerged over the past year. Take the Florida state judge, John Sloop, who was ousted after complaints about his "rude and abusive" behavior. This included an order to strip-search and jail 11 defendants for arriving late in traffic court after being misdirected. Or the Californian judge, José Velasquez, sacked in April for a plethora of m A. (A) Distrust of the judiciary is a very dangerous signal for society. B. (B) Electing judges for fixed terms might be a pitfall for the judiciary. C. (C) Judges in America are often held in low esteem. D. (D) Most judges in Britain are appointed on merit for life. [单选题]最能准确反映计算机主要功能的是(____)。
A.计算机可以代替人的脑力劳动 B.计算机可以存储大量信息 C.计算机是一种信息处理机 D.计算机可以实现高速度的运算 [单项选择]CDFI检测输尿管膀胱开口处结石的特点( )①输尿管膀胱开口喷尿频率减少②输尿管膀胱开口喷尿尿流变短③输尿管膀胱开口喷尿消失④输尿管膀胱开口喷尿频率增多⑤输尿管膀胱开口喷尿尿流变粗
A. ①②③ B. ④⑤ C. ③ D. ②③ E. ③④⑤ [单选题]流量测验记载计算表中的所有原始数据()。
A.不能更改 B.可随意更改 C.只能现场更改 D.只能由领导更改 [单项选择]某女,孕1产0,自然流产1次,平素月经规律,5~6/30日。现闭经45天,晨起恶心、呕吐5天就诊。提示:查体T36.7℃,P80次/分,R20次/分,BP128/70mmHg,妇科检查:外阴(-)、宫颈Ⅰ度糜烂,子宫前位,如孕40天大小,无压痛,双附件(-)。最应首先进行的检查是( )
A. 胃镜检查 B. 肝、胆超声检查 C. 尿妊娠试验 D. 乙肝病原学检查 E. 腹部平片 F. 消化道造影 [单选题]作业命令下达后,大型养路机械按规定进入封锁区间。大型养路机械在封锁区间内作业时,各机械间隔不得小于( )m。
A.2 B.5 C.8 D.10 [单选题]焊缝探伤前应对轨底角侧面及坡面两侧进行打磨除锈,打磨距离各为( )。
A.50mm B.100mm C.150mm D.200mm [多项选择]企业或机构投资者委托的评估项目,重点评估项目( )。
A. 融资主体的清偿能力评价 B. 项目的经济及社会影响 C. 项目本身的盈利能力 D. 资金的流动性 E. 财务风险 [填空题](7995)轨道车电源主要有______和发电机两个电源,既能各自向电路供电,又能共同供电。(1.0分)()
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