Two conflicts convinced Western
countries that they dared not reduce their forces too drastically, The first was
the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. This came at the height of the
happiness at the end of the Cold War and the new era of peace that was expected
to follow. By January 1991 it was apparent that attempts to persuade Iraqi
leader Saddam Hussein to withdraw through a combination of military threats,
economic pressure, and diplomatic inducements had failed. American, British, and
French forces found themselves using military equipment and concepts designed to
deal with the Warsaw Pact in central Europe to defeat a moderate-sized Third
World country. This brought home the lesson that in a world in which total war
had become too horrific to contemplate even a limited war was no small matter
an A. An amphibious landing warfare. B. A low-intensity warfare supported by air power conducting a high-intensity campaign. C. Information warfare. D. Terrorism and international assassination. [单选题]何时反推手柄可以被拉起
A.当其中一个无线电高度表感受到低于 10 英尺高度或空/地安全传感器在地面模式 B.巡航期间当油门杆在慢车 C.当其中一个无线电高度表感受到低于 27 英尺高度 D.空/地安全传感器在空中模式 [单选题]定期教育应当列入年度教育训练计划,总队每半年、支队每季度、大队以下单位每月不少于( )次
A.3 B.2 C.4 D.1 [单选题]EK一812 SV用于( )。
A.程控系统 B.GVA系统 C.传感器 D.捣固系统 [填空题]设府始于()代。
[单选题]慢性酒精中毒的震颤谵妄的临床表现是( )。
A.停酒后出现的急性精神症状群 B.长期饮酒过程中出现的慢性精神症状群 C.停酒后缓慢出现的记忆障碍 D.长期饮酒过程中出现的记忆障碍 E.长期饮酒过程中出现的行为改变 [判断题]管工识图的基本步骤是先总后分,从大到小,由粗到细。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]作业人员漏发、错发、漏传、错传行车文电、数据、调度命令。一经检查发现,应内部待岗三个月,调离原岗位。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有一病人年轻时患过风湿性关节炎,后又患肾炎数年,而且反复发作加重病情,近来出现头晕、头痛、多尿以及夜尿等症状,查体呈慢性病容,皮肤尿素霜,心前区听到心包摩擦音,尿蛋白(++),NPN增高。本患者的心包摩擦音产生原因可能是
A. 风湿性心外膜炎 B. 尿毒性心外膜炎 C. 结核性心外膜炎 D. 感染性心外膜炎 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]滤波器按所采用的元器件分为( )。
A.模拟滤波器和数字滤波器 B.低通、高通滤波器 C.无源和有源滤波器 D.带通和带阻滤波器 [多选题]敏感性训练法适用于( )。
A.组织发展训练 B.晋升前的人际关系训练 C.新进人员的集体组织训练 D.外派人员的异国文化训练 E.中青年管理人员人格塑造训练 [判断题] X型拉线的交叉点空隙越小,说明拉线安装质量越标准。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交