Space is filled with radiant energy and
beyond earth’s atmosphere this energy flow steadily and intensely from the sun.
An abundant and essential {{U}} (67) {{/U}} of energy would be used in
space by developing satellite solar {{U}} (68) {{/U}} stations. To live
in space, humans must be protected {{U}} (69) {{/U}} the fierce intensity
and penetrating sunlight. The colony will have to have enough energy to
{{U}} (70) {{/U}} a fairly uniform temperature. The sun is not dimmed
{{U}} (71) {{/U}} an atmosphere. Shaded materials not {{U}} (72)
{{/U}} to direct sunlight will almost be absolute zero, while the
temperature can soar above the {{U}} (73) {{/U}} point. The colony will
need to have both heaters and {{U}} (74) {{/U}} Fortunately, sun’s energy
can be converted {{U}} (75) {{/U}} electricity. Converting sun’s
energy, we would {{U}} (76) A. but for B. so that C. even if D. now that [单项选择]对于模板定义关键字class和typename说法不正确的是( )。
A. 程序中的class并不能都替换为typename B. class和typename都可互相替换 C. 程序中的typename都能替换为class D. 程序中的部分class可以替换为typename [单选题]前列腺炎发病的重要诱因不包括
A.酗酒 B.嗜辛辣食品 C.不适当的性生活 D.长期卧床 [单项选择]对基础代谢率影响最明显的疾病是()
A. 白血病 B. 糖尿病 C. 甲状腺功能亢进 D. 艾迪生病 E. 帕金森病 [单项选择]甲拾得一包重50克的头痛粉,以为是海洛因,遂卖给吸毒人员乙,对甲应该如何处理?()
A. 按违反《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》从重处罚 B. 比照贩卖毒品罪既遂犯从轻或减轻处罚 C. 比照诈骗罪既遂犯从轻或减轻处罚 D. 进行严厉的批评教育 [单选题]变压器停电退出运行首先应( )。
A.断开各负荷 B.断开高压侧开关 C.断开低压侧开关 D.直接停变压器 [简答题]客运系统情节特别严重“红线”有哪些?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]严禁用水或泡沫扑救遇湿易燃、易爆物质火灾,严禁使用直流水扑救可燃粉尘、强腐蚀性物质火灾,或冲击炼铁炉内钢水等超高温物质,防止引发爆炸或火势蔓延扩大。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有关麻疹的皮疹特点正确的是
A.皮疹为充血性疱疹 B.疹间皮肤正常 C.压之不褪色 D.相互不可融合 E.大小均匀一致 我来回答: 提交