To Help the Kids, Parents Go Back to
School For a few years now, every parent of a newborn baby in the South Florida district has received a congratulations packet while still in the hospital that includes, among other things, a colorful animal picture book (in three languages) and a letter from something called the Parent Academy. "Keep in mind that you are, and will always be, your child’s first and most important teacher," the letter reads. "Miami-Dade County Public Schools has many resources and opportunities for you to make the most of that awesome responsibility." You have to admit, it’s a pretty genius interpretation of that old advertising saying "Get’em while they’re young." While the concept of parent academies--in which towns or school districts offer what are essentially classes an A. the low income among the African-American families B. the shortage of facility to help low-income families C. the common illiteracy for some parents and children D. the low school attendance rates of children [单项选择]Reading involves looking at graphic symbols and formulating mentally the sounds and ideas they represent. Concepts of reading have changed (67) over the centuries. During the 1950s and 1960s especially, increased attention has been devoted to (68) and describing the reading process. (69) specialists agree that reading (70) a complex organization of higher mental (71) , they disagree (72) the exact nature of the process. Some experts, who regard language primarily as a code using symbols to represent sounds, (73) reading as simply the decoding of symbols to the sounds they stand (74) .
These authorities (75) that meaning, being concerned with thinking, must be taught independently of the decoding process. Others maintain that reading is (76) related to thinking, and that a child who pronounces sounds without (77) their meaning is not truly reading. The reader, (78) to some, is [单项选择]呼吸道感染的病毒是
A. 甲型肝炎病毒 B. 脊髓灰质炎病毒 C. 轮状病毒 D. 流感病毒 E. HIV [单项选择]假设工业资本的有机构成是30C:20V,按照马克思的绝对地租理论,符合产生绝对地租条件的农业资本有机构成应该是
A. 50c:50v B. 60c:40v C. 70c:30v D. 30c:10v [判断题]除抢险救援外,运营期间原则上不进行影响行车的施工作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]通往爆炸物处理区的道路应为水泥混凝土或沥青类路面,以满足防爆罐的运输要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1203施工单位应全面了解拆除工程的图纸和资料,进行实地勘察,并应编制施工组( )织 设计和()措施。
A.安全技术 B.质量规章 C.质量管理 D.质量保证 [简答题]记者和媒体在哪里问题上需要经常自律?
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交