Different opinions on billboards with neon signs | Same opinions on some other forms of advertising | ||
The woman | Making the city too (1) at night | Bad | Good |
Leaflets with useless information | (5) in | ||
Advertisements broadcasted in (3) or on the subway | |||
The man | Increasing products’ cost | The advertising which tells you, if you don’t buy a certain product, that you’re not cool or (4) or efficient or something | |
Making the city feel (2) | |||
Necessary to make people know the products |
Racket, din clamor, noise. Whatever you
want to call it, unwanted sound is America’s most widespread nuisance. But noise
is more than just a nuisance. It constitutes a real and present danger to
people’s health. Day and night, at home, at work, and at play, noise can produce
serious physical and psychological stress. No one is immune to this stress.
Though we seem to adjust to noise by ignoring it, the ear, in fact, never closes
and the body still responds—sometimes with extreme tension, as to a strange
sound in the night. The annoyance we feel when faced with noise is the most common outward symptom of the stress building up inside us. Indeed, because irritability is so apparent, legislators have made public annoyance the basis of many noise abatement(消除) programs. The more subtle and more serious health hazards ass A. unaffected by B. hurt by C. unlikely to be seen by D. unknown by [简答题]电动转辙机的减速器有何作用?
A.38% B.48% C.58% D.68% [单选题]车辆维修记录簿是( )。
A.车统一24 B.车统一14 C.3lA D.车统一8lA [填空题]县级以上地方中医药主管部门未履行《中医诊所备案管理暂行办法》规定的职责,对符合备案条件但未及时发放备案证或者逾期未告知需要()、未在规定时限内公开辖区内备案的()、未依法开展监督管理的,按照《中医药法》第五十三条的规定予以处理。
A. 以医德行为作基础 B. 医德行为整体的稳定性特征 C. 静态的医德概括 D. 属于医务人员的个体医德 E. 动态的医德表现 [简答题]对于血管壁薄且内部血压较低的静脉血管,当血管内外压力差小于零时,就会出现塌陷现象,现一血管出现塌陷现象,已知一血管段长度为L,血液的重力密度为ρ,血流为Q,当内外压力相等时血管的园面半径为r,血管塌陷后体积为V,求塌陷时的流阻R和流感L。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]联合贷款牵头行与参加行()承担信贷风险。
A.A-按各自参加份额 B.B-由牵头行全权 C.C-各按50% [单选题]公安民警王某发现李某正在盗窃,他担心口头制止可能使李某逃跑,他可以( )。
A.不予制止 B.使用警械制止 C.使用徒手制止 D.使用武器制止 [判断题]地震灾害跨区域增援,装备器材应落实模块化运输投送。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]检查人员的报告应做到()
A. 准确 B. 客观 C. 注重是否符合配套 D. 上述所有各项 E. 非上述任何项 [多选题]员工招聘的作用是( )。
A.通过员工招聘,可以为空缺职位找到合适的人选 B.通过员工招聘,可以改善企业的员工结构 C.通过员工招聘,可以树立良好的企业形象 D.通过员工招聘,可以改善企业的氛围 E.通过员工招聘,可以节省企业的开发培训费用 [单选题]发行国债时,政府委托经纪人在证券交易所出售国债的方法称为( )。
A.公募法 B.摊派法 C.公卖法 D.交付法 [单选题]口唇青黑属于
A.冷极 B.热盛 C.热极 D.瘀血 E.煤气中毒 [单选题]通过以下校配操作可以使配戴舒适( )。
A.A、棱镜度及基底向符合验光处方 B.B、镜腿的弯垂长、垂俯角和垂内角与耳廓相符配 C.C、双侧镜片面弯设计一致 D.D、镜眼距约为12mm [多选题]按照“放管服”改革要求,各地不得要求招标人在()等带有歧视排斥性质的范围内确定中标人。
A.中介服务机构预选库 B.短名单 C.应急承包商库 D.预选承包商库 [填空题]烟气实测浓度不变,当烟气湿度变大时,烟气指标折算浓度将( )。
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