Some people ought to defend the workaholic.
These people are unjustly accused, abused, and defamed — often, termed sick or morbid or on the border of pathology. About 30% of American business and commerce is carried on the shoulders of workaholics. The ratio might exist in art and science too.
Workaholics are the achievers, the excelers. There is a national conspiracy against excellence and undue admiration of commonness and mediocrity. It is as if we are against those who make uncommon sacrifices because they enjoy doing something.
Some famous psychologists say that the workaholic has an inferiority complex which leads to over-compensation. This is certainly not the case. Inferiority, or low esteem, describes laziness more accurately than it describes dedication.
We do not seem to realize that very little excellence is achieved by living a well-balanced life. Edison, Ford, Einstein, Freud all had single-minded devotion to work whereby they s
A. who enjoy work more than anything else.
B. who make greater contributions than others.
C. who make uncommon sacrifice in their personal life.
D. All of the above.
Whatever Happens to Old
Computers You have just got a new computer and you are delighted with it. It is doing everything you wanted your new computer to do. But what are you going to do with your old computer Have you ever wondered what other people do with their old computers In the past they have often paid high prices for their old computers, but how much do you think these computers are worth now Few people want to buy a computer that has become out of date or has been replaced by a newer model. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do with a computer that you have had for five or six years is to throw it away with your other garbage! What do many people do when they try to sell their old computers Foolishly, they take into account its original cost and then reduce the pr A. "give" B. "send" C. "take" D. "move" [判断题]投掷练习准备活动要轻松自如,力量由弱到强,动作由小到大,速度由慢到快。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]井喷失控可能造成( )。
A.沉砂卡钻 B.键槽卡钻 C.井漏 D.油气井报废 [填空题]《国铁集团客运部关于12306 网站新增业务办理事项的通知》(客营电【2021】15号)中列车折返退差电子客票时,旅客出站后,可通过12306 网站、自动售票机自助查询进出站检票记录,有出站检票记录的车票由()在 12306 网站主动发起退差(退票)申请,完成相关信息确认,系统自动执行退差(退票)操作。
A.止回阀 B.安全阀 C.浮球阀 D.闸阀 [多项选择]病历摘要:患者男性,29岁,汽车司机。3小时前因两辆车相撞,上腹部被方向盘撞伤,出现腹部剧烈疼痛被救护车送入院。初步诊断主要考虑哪些疾病?提示:查体:右上腹壁见挤压伤痕,板状腹,未扪及包块,全腹压痛、反跳痛明显,移动性浊音(+),肠鸣音减弱。()
A. 肝破裂 B. 脾破裂 C. 胃破裂 D. 胰腺损伤 E. 十二指肠破裂;弥漫性腹膜炎 F. 肾挫裂伤 [多项选择]某商品流通企业一直由短期合作关系的A、B、C、D四家供应商供应某种商品。为了从中选出比较合适的供应商,对四家供应商的供货情况进行详细记录,所得的统计资料如下表所示。选择的标准有商品质量、价格、合同完成率等,找到了一家比较合适的供应商后,与该供应商建立长期合作关系。该商品流通企业对选出的比较合适的供应商的要求更高了,对原有选择标准中的商品质量、总成本、交付及时等有新的要求,还要对选出的比较合适的供应商绩效进行评审。