Vitamins are organic compounds
necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of
life of animals, including man. They do not provide energy, (21) do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed for (22) foods into energy and body maintenance. There are thirteen or more of them, and if (23) is missing a deficiency disease becomes (24) Vitamins are similar because they are (25) of the same elements--usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and (26) . nitrogen. They are different (27) their elements are arranged (28) , and each vitamin (29) one or more specific (30) in the body. (31) enough vitamins is essential to life, (32) the body has no nutritional use for (33) vitamins. Many people, (34 A. functions B. mood C. role D. meaning [判断题]同一批货物装在同一航次中同一艘船上,即使装运地点和装运时间不同,也不能视为分批装运。( )
A.用人单位所在地 B.任何地方 C.用人单位所在地或者本人居住地 [单项选择]职业责任指的是从事职业的个人对社会、集体和服务对象所承担的社会( )。
A. 责任和许诺 B. 责任和任务 C. 任务和义务 D. 责任和义务 [多选题]用于在建工程的( )及防腐等材料的燃烧性能等级,应符合设计要求。
A.保温 B.防水 C.装饰 D.电线电缆 [单选题] 1929 年 12 月和 1930 年 2 月,先后爆发了百色起义和龙州起义,成立了红七军和红八军,两军总指挥是( ),政治委员是( C),从而创立了左右江根据地。
A.张云逸 韦拔群 B.俞作豫 雷经天 C.李明瑞 邓小平 [单项选择]下列哪项叙述是不正确的()
A. 血友病甲主要是缺乏Ⅱ因子 B. 肝病或阻塞性黄疸病人可伴有维生素K缺乏 C. 维生素K缺乏可引起凝血因子Ⅱ、Ⅶ、Ⅸ、Ⅹ缺乏 D. 肝功能障碍或行肝叶切除的病人,需补充维生素K E. 大多数凝血因子缺乏为后天获得性,且呈多因子综合性缺乏 [多选题]下列表述中,对波阻抗描述正确的是(____)。
A.波阻抗是前行波电压与前行波电流之比 B.线路越短波阻抗越大 C.线路越长波阻抗越大 D.波阻抗的大小与线路的几何尺寸有关 [单选题]规划 A+、A、B 类供电区域中双电源用户较为集中的地区,中压电缆线路宜按()式结构建设。
A.单环 B.双环 C.双射式 D.单辐射 [单选题]在地下建筑内设置公共娱乐场所只允许设在( )。
A.地下1层,且室内地面与室外出入口地坪高差不应大于10m B.地下1、2层 C.地下1、2、3层 D.室内地面与室外出入口地坪高差不大于10m的任意层 [判断题]削峰响应。在用电低谷时段、火电机组调峰困难或冬季负备用不足时,启动填谷响应,鼓励电力用户低谷期间用电,填补负荷低谷,实现电力供需平衡。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对于C2+ATO系统,AM模式下,ATP负责列车运行安全防护,ATO负责自动驾驶列车(自动控制列车牵引、制动、惰行)和自动控制车门。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]胎膜早破者,为防止脐带脱垂,下列护理措施错误的是:
A.侧卧位 B.胎先露浮者卧床休息,必要时可床边走动 C.抬高臀部 D.平卧位 [简答题] A survey of 25 cities, produced for the US Conference of Mayors in 2003, reported that families make up 40% of the homeless population. Nationally, the situation is even worse. In 2000, the Urban Institute found that children under the age of 18 make up 39% of homeless people. Tragically, some estimates indicate that youth are the fastest-growing segment of those without homes. These kids and teens face incredible obstacles in all aspects of their lives, including their education. As the National Coalition for the Homeless notes, "School is one of the few stable, secure places in the lives of homeless children and youth — a place where they can acquire the skills needed to help them escape poverty." But despite many successful efforts to improve their access to schooling, homeless youth continue to face financial, bureaucratic, and practical barriers to getting a quality education.
On December 21st, the first day of winter, communities around the nation will observe National H
A. 剖视图 B. 剖面图 C. 局部剖视图 D. 全剖视图 [单选题].固定用户接入交换系统即FAS系统由()、车站FAS分系统、调度台、值班台设备及其他各类固定终端及网管终端构成。
A.调度所FAS主系统 B.总公司FAS系统 C.电调分机 D.应急台 [单选题]对功能障碍患者最重要的作业训练是 ( )
A.床上训练 B.进食训练 C.日常生活活动能力训练 D.职业技能训练 E.吞咽训练 [单项选择]