一 | 二 | 三 | |
[单选题]消防工作贯彻( )的方针。
A.谁主管,谁负责 B.预防为主,防消结合 C.专门机关与群众相结合 D.统一管理 [判断题]采煤工作面采用倒悬臂支架主要是为了支护采煤机机道上方顶板。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]大革命失败的教训是( )。
A.必须坚特无产阶级的领导 B.必须整持武装斗争 C.必须建立广泛的统一战线, D.必须把农民作为自己的同盟军 [填空题]血压测量结果的记录方法采用分数式,即( )。
[填空题] Lisa:
Sometimes I think that successful marriages are an endangered societal species. It seems as though every time I turn around, another couple I know is getting divorced. It’s a shame because marriage is very important. I believe that if people put more effort into making their marriages work, there would be fewer divorces. Marriage takes certain qualities to make it a success, such as responsibility and a sense of humor. If partners all understand this, more happy marriages will be maintained. Elizabeth: One thing I think that is important to a successful marriage is that you should not always think of yourself. My husband and I have stayed happily for about ten years. He makes me want to do things for him because of his generous nature. I know there are many times he would rather be reading, relaxing, or working on the car, but he only does something for himself when all the household chores are done and the kids have been taken care of. In r [多选题]少阴病证的临床表现有( )
A.口燥咽干 B.下利清谷 C.面赤 D.心烦不得卧 [判断题]目前,我国企业的固定资产折旧实行综合折旧法。()
突遇火灾,下列逃生方法正确的是( )。 A.逃生通道被切断,快速跳窗、跳楼逃生 B.迅速向着有光、明亮的方向逃生 C.被大火围困在半山腰时,要快速向山上跑 D.遇有浓烟,用毛巾、口罩蒙鼻,匍匐撤离 [单项选择]()认为,艺术是一种自由的游戏。
A. 福禄贝尔 B. 康德 C. 斯宾塞 [多选题]在居民区及交通道路附近开挖的基坑,应( )。
A.设坑盖或可靠遮拦 B.加挂警告标牌 C.夜间挂红灯 D.专人看护 [单选题] 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会是()
A. 最高国家行政机关 B. 最高国家权力机关 C. 最高国家审判机关 D. 最高国家监督机关 [填空题]构音障碍患者出现鼻音过重,通常由于____造成。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交