What’s a label worth A lot, it seems,
when it comes to towels in a New York shop. Two Harvard University researchers,
Michael Hiscox and Nicholas Smyth conducted an experiment on two sets of towels.
One lot carried a label with the logo "Fair and Square" and the following
message: These towels have been made under fair labor conditions, in a safe and healthy working environment which is free of discrimination, and where management has committed to respecting the rights and dignity of workers. The other set had no such label. Over five months, the researchers observed the impact of making various changes such as switching the label to the other set of towels and raising prices. The results were striking: not only did sales of towels increase when they carried the Fair and Square label, they carried on increasing each time t A. we should appeal to more people to be ethical consumers B. the influence of ethical consumers is increasingly on the rise C. fair working conditions has become the core value in society D. fair working conditions should be encouraged even at some cost [多项选择]甲殴打乙致轻微伤,公安局对甲作出拘留15日的处罚裁决。甲不服,经复议后,向人民法院起诉,乙作为第三人参加诉讼。关于本案处理,正确的做法有哪些( )
A. 乙有权对一审判决提起上诉 B. 被告公安局有权提起反诉 C. 人民法院有权判决被告公安局对乙予以处罚 D. 人民法院有权变更公安局对甲的处罚 [单选题]54.修车场地应及时清理,做到工具.材料.配件.()定位存放。
A.防护用品 B.设备 C.垃圾 D.物品 [多选题]《工伤保险条例》规定,职工有下列( )情形之一的,视同工伤.,
A.在工作时间和工作岗位,突发疾病死亡或者在48小时之内经抢救无效死亡的 B.在工作时间和工作岗位,突发疾病死亡或者在24小时之内经抢救无效死亡的 C.在抢险救灾等维护国家利益.公共利益活动中受到伤害的 D.职工原在军队服役,因战.因公负伤致残,已取得革命伤残军人证,到用人单位后旧伤复发的 E.职工原在军队服役,因战.因公负伤致残,已取得革命伤残军人证,回家后旧伤复发的 [填空题]
A.收缩期开始 B.收缩期中间 C.舒张期开始 D.舒张早期 [单项选择]患者女性,36岁,间断反复发热2个月,既往有风湿性心脏病史5年,查体:胸骨左缘第4肋间闻及乐音样杂音,心尖部闻及全收缩期吹风样高调一贯性杂音,向左腋下传导
A. 血常规 B. 血气分析 C. 血培养 D. 心电图 E. 胸片 [判断题]甚高频地空通信地面设备用于空中交通管制、航务管理及对空广播通信( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](65559)SS4型电力机车改变运行方向靠的是改变牵引电机( )。(2.0分)
A.电枢电压极性 B.励磁绕组极性 C.电机励磁、电枢极性同时改变 D.传动方式 [单选题]大便清稀有未消化食物,或如鸭溏,属
A.湿热泄泻 B.湿泻 C.脾虚泄泻 D.湿热痢疾 [判断题]容器内焊接电缆拉进拉出,必须断电后拉进拉出。
[单选题]在微博中可通过转发、评论、微话题等形式与网民进行交流,宣传有关消防法律法规、防火知识、逃生救援方法和消防安全提示。属于( )
A.业务窗口 B.展示成就 C.传播知识 D.舆情引导 [单项选择]湿陷性黄土地基常用的处理方法中不包括( )。
A. 换填土 B. 灌浆法 C. 挤密法 D. 预浸法 [多项选择]对鲁菜的描述正确的是( )。
A. 调味重清爽鲜淡平和 B. 主要由济南菜、胶东菜和孔府菜组成 C. 以麻辣、鱼香、怪味等擅长 D. 传进宫廷,成为御膳的主体 [单项选择]Task One-Job
·For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A-H. ·For each extract, decide which job each speaker was interviewed for. ·Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A marketing manager B computer programmer C secretary D personnel management assistant E engineering manager F maintenance supervisor G finance director H quality control manager______ 我来回答: 提交