尹女士,26岁,孕1产0,妊娠40周,宫口开全,胎头拨露已1个半小时无进展。胎心率152次/分,宫缩持续50秒,间歇2~3分钟,孕妇一直用腹压 |
员工有哪些需求时,可以由财务人员代办() On 5th December, 1945; five bombers
from a United States Naval Air Station left Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on a
routine training flight over the Atlantic Ocean, east of Florida. A short time
later the base received radio messages from the bombers (Flight 19) ,saying that
they were lost. Then radio contact was broken The flight did not return, and the
planes that were sent to look for the bombers also failed to return. A massive
search operation was mounted, but no trace of the missing planes or their pilots
was found. They had simply and inexplicably disappeared. This event was sufficient to confirm in many people’s minds that the so-called "Devil’s Triangle". or "Bermuda Triangle" —a section of the North Atlantic bounded roughly by Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico— really was haunted. and in some mysterious way was respons A. some unknown magnetic forces B. underwater volcanic action C. sensational journalism D. something not yet known [单选题]牵出线的中心线至路肩边缘的宽度不得小于( ) m
A.1.8 B.2.2 C.3.1 D.3.5 [单选题]外科急腹症时可叩出移动性浊音说明腹腔积血至少达到()
A.200ml B.300ml C.500ml D.1000ml E.1500ml [简答题]在为顾客进行重复点餐时应注意?
[多选题]下列不属于中国金融期货交易所上市品种的有( )。
A.沪深300股指期货 B.10年期国债期货 C.上证50ETF期权 D.棉花 [单选题]各铁路运输企业所使用的铁路客货运输票据,必须在由( )并颁发“铁路客货运输票据印制准印证”的铁路印刷厂印制。
A.站段确定 B.铁路运输企业指定 C.总公司批准 D.国务院批准 [单项选择]
A. little B. less C. least D. large [判断题]YD07GG013427电压互感器停电操作时,先断开二次空气开关(或取下二次熔断器),后拉开一次隔离开关。送电操作顺序相反。一次侧未并列运行的两组电压互感器,禁止二次侧并列()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]车钩防跳插销损坏、丢失、失效,需更换或补装时,由( )负责。
A.车站人员 B.列检人员 C.提钩人员 D.车辆人员 [多选题]人民警察要切实肩负起自身的使命,就必须把忠诚当作立警之本、成事之要、建业之基,筑牢“忠诚”警魂。下列做法中,符合这一规定的有:
A.在工作期间,心系群众,有难必帮 B.在学习会议上分享“公安姓党”的理念 C.认为上级命令有误,仍继续执行任务并提出意见 D.下级接到越级命令,暂不执行,待与上级报告后执行 我来回答: 提交