If you left your book on the table overnight, you would find the following morning that it was still exactly where you had left it, provided nobody had moved it. If a ball is made to roll on a very smooth surface, it will roll a long distance unless something stops it or changes its direction. This tendency of an object to remain at rest unless something moves it and to continue moving unless something stops it is known as the Law of Inertia. The following examples show the truth of this law.
(a) Put a table-cloth on a table and arrange a pile of books on it. Hold one edge of the table-cloth and pull it quickly. The table-cloth will come off, leaving the pile of books undisturbed.
(b) Place a small piece of cardboard on an open jar and place a coin on it directly over its mouth. Use one finger to flick the piece of cardboard away. You will notice that the coin drops into the jar.
(c) Sitting in a car which starts suddenly, you feel you are jerked backwards
A. a situation in which no action is taken
B. a situation in which no progress is made
C. the feeling of someone not wanting to move or do anything
D. the force making an object stay at rest or continue moving
A battery-driven bus has been developed by a group of British companies. The bus, a fifty- passenger single-deck (1) , is to go into (2) in Manchester shortly, and discussions with the Department of the Environment are (3) to lead to a (4) batch (批) of twenty going into (5) passenger service in Manchester within two years. Unlike the small govemment- sponsored battery bus now (6) trials in provincial cities, (7) low speed and range effectively limits it to city centre operation, the new Silent Rider, (8) a range of 40 miles between charges and a (9) of 40 m.p.h., will take (10) place with diesel (柴油) buses for normal urban and suburban (11) .
Its capital (12) is higher (13) lower maintenance and fuel costs bring it (14) to a fully competitive cost with the diesel bus over a thirteen- year life,without (15) into account the environmental bene
A. undertaking
B. underlining
C. understanding
D. undergoing
消费者投诉类别分类 | |||||
按投诉性质分类 | 按投诉类别分类 | ||||
投诉性质 | 2009年投诉量 | 增幅 | 投诉类别 | 2008年投诉量 | 2009年投诉量 |
质量 | 375226 | -1.8% | 百货类 | 194013 | 185603 |
营销合同 | 55939 | 4.5% | 服务类 | 161563 | 173785 |
价格 | 35442 | -5.1% | 家用电子电器类 | 163199 | 154557 |
安全 | 12841 | 2.3% | 家用机械类 | 33698 | 32760 |
计量 | j0434 | -19.7% | 房 A. 上升了0.1个百分点 B. 下降了0.1个百分点 C. 上升了0.4个百分点 D. 下降了0.4个百分点 [多项选择]现阶段,vpn的类型分成()。
A. 基于交换机的vpn B. 基于防火墙的vpn C. 基于路由器的vpn D. 基于服务器的vpn [单项选择]操纵证券市场的,责令依法处理非法持有的证券,没收违法所得;没有违法所得或者违法所得不足()万元的,处以30万元以上300万元以下的罚款。
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 [单项选择]老年人大量饮酒可引发酒精中毒,容易导致缺乏的营养素为()。
A. 糖类 B. 脂肪 C. 钙 D. 磷 E. 维生素E [判断题]带电断、接空载线路时,应确认后端所有断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸)已合上,变压器、电压互感器已退出运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]配电《安规》对工作班成员规定的安全责任有哪些? P43)
[多选题]调车作业中关于行走线路规定下列说法正确的有( )。
A.调车人员应走两线路之间显示信号,并注意邻线的机车车辆。严禁在道心、枕木上行走,不准脚踏钢轨面、道岔连接杆、尖轨等 B.横越线路时,应一停、二看、三通过,注意左右机车车辆的动态和脚下有无障碍物 C.横越停有机车车辆的线路时,先确认机车车辆暂无移动,然后在该机车车辆较远处通过。严禁在运行中的机车车辆前面抢越 D.不准在钢轨上、车底下、枕木中、道心里坐卧或站立,不准跨越地沟。 [单选题]外委检测的第三方检测机构审查结果经( )审核后,按照公司相关规定与其签订委外试验检测合同。[单选题]
A.试验室主任 B.项目经理 C.项目总工 D.总监办 [单选题]/867 单选题.《危险化学品生产企业安全生产许可证实施办法》规定,安全生产许可证有效期为()年。
A.1 B.2 C.3 [多选题]钢轨折断是指发生下列情况之一者:( )、钢轨顶面上有长度大于30mm且深度大于5mm的掉块。
A.经除锈后,轨底厚度不足8mm B.钢轨全截面断裂 C.裂纹贯通整个轨头截面 D.裂纹贯通整个轨底截面 [多选题] 根据《刑事诉讼法》的规定,以下案件中,侦查人员应当对讯问过程进行录音或者录像的是( )。
A. 甲流窜5省抢劫作案8起,致10人死伤 B. 乙在1年内入室盗窃3起,窃得财物价值人民币2万余元 C. 丙到境外购买毒品在国内贩卖,在交易时被抓获,毒品海洛因总重3000克 D. 丁实施诈骗犯罪1起,骗得人民币1万元 [单项选择]Dein Fernsehger t hat aber einen schlechten ( ), vielleicht ist die Antenne kaputt.
A. Ausdruck B. Schaden C. Blick D. Empfang [填空题]6C系统维修管理工作实行( )、( )、( )段)三级管理。
A. 转移癌 B. 上皮样肉瘤 C. 上皮样血管肉瘤 D. 腺泡状软组织肉瘤 E. 未分化高级别多形性肉瘤 我来回答: 提交