Almost daily, the gulf between education and employment widens. Careers officers complain (31) a system that presents them with school-leavers devoid of ideas for employment. Employers deplore the fact (32) teenagers are unable to spell and write and calculate. Graduates discover that a knowledge of Ancient History or Zoology counts for nothing when they are (33) for a job.
With all our magnificent new colleges of further education, the super-polytechnics are (34) up like mushrooms, and with our much-vaunted increase of students in fulltime education, one vital point is being left out of educational thinking. What will it earn Because — sad (35) it may seem to those who believe in its mind-broadening, horizon-widening and stamina-testing qualities — you can not eat education. (36) are 39 universities and colleges offering degree courses in Geography, but I have never (37) any good jobs advertised f
{{B}}Text{{/B}} The Spring Festival is{{U}} (9) {{/U}}. As a tradition, people are{{U}} (10) {{/U}}to have something new to use or wear, {{U}} (11) {{/U}}children, no matter they are rich or poor. Therefore, you can see many families going shopping on the streets. And, interestingly enough, you may notice that men’ s shopping style is different{{U}} (12) {{/U}}that of women. Let’ s look at men’ s clothes shops: A man comes into a shop, has a{{U}} (13) {{/U}}at the whole shop and goes to his{{U}} (14) {{/U}}area. He has a{{U}} (15) {{/U}}look of the colors and begins to ask the shop assistant for the fight size. He tries it on, {{U}} (16) {{/U}}his arms or kicking his{{U}} (17) {{/U}}to check if it is{{U}} (18) {{/U}}enough. The clothing{{U}} (19) A. outer B. inner C. in D. out [多项选择]()是《白鹿原》中的人物。
A. 鹿子霖 B. 白灵 C. 朱老先生 D. 鹿兆海 [单项选择]将物品按照每行,每层件数一致的原则,堆成固定的垛型,然后通过计算得出总数的方法叫做()
A. 逐件点数法 B. 集中堆码点数法 C. 抽检法 D. 重量换算法 采用挖坑灌砂法进行压实度检测时,应注意哪几个问题?
A. 西咪替丁和庆大霉素 B. 奥美拉唑和甲硝唑 C. 氨苄西林和克拉维酸钾 D. 硫糖铝和铋剂 E. 阿莫西林、克拉霉素和兰索拉唑 [单选题]《铁路乘车证管理办法》第十六条规定,沿线职工供养的子、女、弟、妹,由居住地至中、小学校在五十公里以内,需要乘车通学时,可使用( )乘车证。
A.就医 B.探亲 C.通学 D.便乘 [单选题]根据《大中型水利水电工程建设征地补偿和移民安置条例》(国务院令第471号),中型水库工程建设征收耕地,土地补偿费和安置补助费之和应为该耕地被征收前三年平均年产值的( )倍。
A.4 B.8 C.16 D.32 [多选题]使需求和价格呈反方向变化是( )共同作用的结果。
A.替代效应 B.互补效应 C.收入效应 D.蛛网效应 E.乘数效应 [单选题] 排放吸收塔浆液,各池、罐、箱内浆液以及管道内剩余浆液时,如需在就地开排放门,要( ),以免浆液腐蚀皮肤。
A.戴玻璃面罩 B.穿防护护衣 C.戴好橡胶手套 [多选题]水域救援事故特点有( )
A.四周无依靠,被湍流包围,孤立无援 B.环境危险、复杂,被救人心理压力大 C.舟船难以靠近,救援行动艰难。 D.供给品难以到达现场 [多选题]《建设工程安全生产管理条例》中的建设工程指( )
A.土木工程 B.建筑工程 C.线路管道 D.设备安装工程 E.装修工程 [单项选择]下列问题与下述案例有关,认真阅读本案例,选出正确的选项。 某市一国有企业在改制时,拟转让其使用的一宗国有划拨土地。按该市规定,该宗土地应由市政府收购后重新进行公开出让。市国土资源局根据社会经济发展计划、产业政策、土地利用总体规划、土地利用年度计划、城市规划和土地市场状况,将该宗土地纳入了该年度土地出让计划,用途仍为工业用地,并报市人民政府批准后向社会公开发布。该出让计划发布后,随即有3个企业表示了购买意向。经研究,市国土资源局决定采用挂牌方式出让该宗土地。 2002年7月1日,该市国土资源局发布挂牌公告,并于2002年7月30日将该宗土地的位置、面积和规划要求等条件和挂牌起始价、挂牌底价及竞买保证金在市土地交易中心挂牌公布,其中挂牌起始价为1000万元,挂牌底价为1700万元。在挂牌期间,竞买人报价踊跃,有4个符合资格的竞买人报价,其报价结果为: