Can babies be taught Is it best for
their mental development if we teach them as early as possible Educational
videos designed to give babies as young as one month an intellectual head start
in life are to be launched in Britain. The videos cover music, poetry and use
seven languages including Russia, Japanese and Hebrew. The videos have taken
American by storm since they were launched three years ago, and now sell more
than 1 million copies a year. However, their popularity has sparked controversy
among educational psychologists, who are divided as to the possible benefits.
Critics fear that the videos will be overused by parents desperate to see their
children overtake their peers and warn that such young babies should not be
encouraged to watch television. Baby Einstein, the company making the videos claims that A. force parent to input a lot to their children B. facilitate the development of children’s brain C. teach children foreign languages D. teach children music and poetry [单选题]疑核是( )
A.一般内脏运动核 B.特殊内脏感觉核 C.躯体运动核 D.特殊内脏运动核 E.—般躯体感觉核 [单项选择]臂丛描述不对的是()。
A. 神经根通过斜角肌间隙 B. 三束包绕腋动脉 C. 上肢的神经主要由其分支分布 D. 臂丛阻滞部位较多,根据需要选择 E. 由颈5至颈8和胸1神经前支组成 [单项选择]生产性噪声不包括()。
A. 空气动力噪声 B. 机械噪声 C. 电磁噪声 D. 空气传播噪声 [多项选择]我国法律规定的律师事务所形式有哪几种( )
A. 合作制律师事务所 B. 合伙制律师事务所 C. 国家出资律师事务所 D. 个人律师事务所 [单项选择]“但得一个并头莲”“蜗角虚名”“泪添九曲黄河溢”所用的修辞手法是()
A. 比喻、夸张、拟人 B. 比喻、用典、夸张 C. 夸张、拟人、比喻 D. 用典、拟人、比喻 [单项选择]信息系统安全保障体系一般包括保护、()、响应和恢复四个方面的内容。
A. 加密 B. 检测 C. 备份 D. 安全 [单选题]客货运输票据属有价证券,是铁路运输企业核算运输进款的()。
A.原始收据 B.原始资料 C.原始票据 D.原始凭证 [多选题]在低压用电设备(如充电桩、路灯、用户终端设备等)上工作,应采用()等形式,口头或电话命令应留有记录。
A.工作票或派工单 B.任务单 C.工作记录 D.口头、电话命令 E./ F./ [判断题]毒害品、腐蚀性物质及感染性物质不得使用铁路篷布。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]绿通预约中收割机运输车辆需填报?( )
A.收割机号牌 B.作业证编号 C.运输车辆车牌号 D.驾驶人联系电话 [单选题]十六进制数FF.1转换成十进制数是( )。
A.255.625 B.250.1625 C.255.0625 D.250.0625 [判断题]隧道渗漏水检查分为简易检测和水质检测两类。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交