About 40 percent of Americans think of
themselves as shy, while only 20 percent say they have never suffered from
shyness at some point in their lives. Shyness occurs when a person’s
apprehensions are so great that they (1) his making an
expected or desired social response. (2) of shyness can be
as minor as (3) to make eye contact when speaking to
someone, (4) as major as avoiding conversations whenever
possible. "Shy people tend to be too (5) with themselves, "said Jonathan Cheek, a psychologist, who is one of those at the forefront of current research on the topic." (6) , for a smooth conversation, you need to pay attention to the other person’s cues (7) he is saying and doing. But the shy person is full of (8) about how he seems to the other person, and so he often (9) A. In particular B. In contrast C. In general D. In comparison [单选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》第61条规定,列车的乘务工作由()统一领导。
A.A、司机 B.B、车辆乘务人员 C.C、乘警 D.D、列车长 [单选题]在油田开发中硫化氢对非金属材料的影响包括()等非金属材料制作的密封件。
A.钻铤 B.钻杆 C.橡胶、浸油石墨、石棉 [单选题]对于大型地下建筑,例如地铁、交通隧道、地下商场、地下商业街等,因通风条件好,风流畅通,火势很容易发展到( )。
A.发展阶段 B.猛烈阶段 C.下降阶段 D.阴燃阶段 [单选题]江苏省行政区域的消防工作按照政府统一领导、部门依法监管、( )公民积极参与的原则,坚持党政同责、一岗双责、齐抓共管、失职追责,进一步健全消防安全责任制。
A.单位全面负责 B.个人全面负责 C.法人全面负责 D.经理全面负责 [多选题]下列项目不应计算面积的包括( )
A. 建筑物通道 B.建筑物内的设备管道夹层 C.建筑物内分隔的单层房间 D.屋顶水箱 E.建筑物内的变形缝 [填空题]紧急故障7×24小时内部申告热线如下:0755-26772892,800-8302892。在处理紧急故障时,首要的任务是()。
A. 1岁幼儿 B. 前房积脓 C. 晶状体后囊破裂 D. 玻璃体积血 E. 以上都是 [简答题]旅行社有哪些权利
[单选题]有关“产褥期妇女生理调适”不恰当的陈述时产后( )
A.第6周子宫内膜完全恢复 B.第2-3周血容量恢复至非孕状态 C.第7天可能开始分泌过度乳 D.第1周宫底达耻骨联合上方 E.第3周子宫完全复旧至非孕状态 [单项选择]Though rather young in comparison with some others, ______ is the biggest university in England.
A. The University of Manchester B. The University of Wales C. The University of Edinburgh D. The University of London [单选题]卵细胞受精的部位通常是 ( )
A.输卵管子宫部 B.输卵管峡 C.输卵管壶腹 D.输卵管漏斗 E.输卵管伞 [单选题] 支队机关坚持每( )与基层进行“双向讲评”。
A.周 B.月 C.季度 D.半年 [多项选择]房地产项目投资估算的范围,包括( )。
A. 土地费用 B. 前期工程费用 C. 销售利润 D. 销售费用 E. 设计费 我来回答: 提交