As most parents of small children will reluctantly
admit, nothing can occupy a child quite like television. {{U}} (67)
{{/U}},the scientific evidence suggests that using the television as a
babysitter has its {{U}} (68) {{/U}}: the more time babies spend sitting
in front of the screen, the more their social, cognitive and language
development may {{U}} (69) {{/U}}. Recent studies show that TV-viewing
{{U}} (70) {{/U}} to decrease babies’likelihood of learning new words,
talking, playing and {{U}} (71) {{/U}} interacting with others.
A new study published Monday adds to that {{U}} (72) {{/U}} while introducing an interesting new perspective. Many studies have suggested that television blocks learning by {{U}} (73) {{/U}} youngsters’ability to interact with others, and according to Dr. Dimitri Christakis, a University of Washington p A. drop B. cause C. increase D. progress [判断题]以客车底编组的列车自动制动机主管压力为600kPA。以货车编组或客货车混合编组的列车,自动制动机主管压力为500kPA。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]ARDS时,用于鉴别急性左心衰的可靠指标是().
A. 以上都不对 B. 血气分析 C. PAWP D. 肺功能 E. 胸片 [单选题]恒力化工建有1座消防泡沫站,用于保护( )。
A.乙二醇罐组 B.苯乙烯罐组 C.废油罐组 D.低温乙烯罐 [单选题]()特征可作为识别黄金桂名茶的主要依据。
A.芽毫显露 B.枝梗似“竹子节” C.枝壮大略有棱角 D.叶形倒披针状,色黄绿具光泽 [判断题]电网管理单位应掌握、分析分布式电源接入配变台区状况,确保接入设备满足有关技术标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]新修订的《职业病防治法》于( )公布实施。
A.2011年12月31日 B.2002年5月1日 C.2012年5月1日 [单选题]电容器柜内工作,应断开电容器的电源、()后,方可工作。
A.逐相充分放电 B.充分放电 C.刀闸拉开 D.接地 [判断题]附加圈梁与圈梁的搭接长度不应小于1m。
A.苍术、白术 B.羌活、独活 C.赤芍、白芍 D.海风藤、青风藤 E.处方写二风藤应付 [单选题]负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门在监督检查中,应当互相配合,实行()。
A.联合检查 B.互通情况 C.通报制度 D. E. F. G. H.单选 [简答题]嫖客陈某是否构成犯罪如构成犯罪,应为何罪
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